Depth of Market in Tradingview

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Atikon, Apr 14, 2020.

  1. Atikon


    Hey Guys,

    is there a particular reason why I can't look into DOM during my Trial with Tradeview? Do I have to enable something? Every video I saw on it, had Bid and Ask 10 Bids/Asks deep.

    Also is this a Full LVL 2 Book? It says on their Website that they use "various" Sources for DOM.

  2. Handle123


    You might have to pay the extra fee to get the 10 deep, I remember IQfeed long ago was like that.
  3. MattZ

    MattZ Sponsor

    Check with your Broker if he just connected you via Top Of Book.
    Are these view only credentials or you have trading credentials?
    CQG should have all 10 levels.
  4. heispark


    You need to login using your CQG trial account first. If you still cannot see 10 levels of DOM, select CQG connected CL in the list, instead of CL1!. CL1! is a general chart and you cannot submit orders using it. TV is not very convenient to Futures traders.