Deport Obama Supporters out of USA

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bearice, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. I think a lump of coal could replace them all. It would be safer and do less harm to the populace :D
    #11     Jul 28, 2011
  2. 100 Airbus A380 Giant Planes.

    I remember 5 years back, Singapore Airlines had booked or purchased 100 Airbus A380 giant planes and cost of each A380 is $300 million. So total cost of 100 planes is $30 Billion. Please confirm this.

    But Singapore Airlines profits have fallen some 80% because 40% earnings go for the purchase of fuel. Please confirm this since I just saw CNBC report.

    What is going on in the world because of Obama's $9 Trillion whatever bailouts?

    4 years after the present financial crisis started, world leaders and financial people are still saying "world economy is unstable" and they have no solution and no knowledge to end the endless financial crisis.

    Since world leaders and financial people are not destroying world porn and prostitution I have to say this:

    Were world leaders and financial people masturbating 10 times every day for past 4 years?
    #12     Jul 28, 2011
  3. 120 Million Americans & 1.5 Billion People Want to Impeach Obama.

    My understanding says that atleast 120 million Americans want to impeach Obama immediately.

    After reading many serious financial reports and having discussions with thousands of Americans I have come to the conclusion of Obama's impeachment.

    Atleast 1.5 Billion world people also want to impeach Obama because nobody likes Obama and his administration. There are worldwide serious financial problems and world society problems because of that idiot Obama and idiot Obama administration and Obama supporters. Everybody knows what is going on in the world and USA.

    Impeach also means remove or change because everybody is not highly educated they do not know the meaning of impeachment. Ordinary people's opinions and decisions is equally important as president's opinions and decisions

    I have also had discussions with thousands of world people over the past many months and I know the serious world situation.

    10 Serious Impeachable Offenses for Obama:

    1) Libya war is an impeachable offense. Gaddafi has threatened to blow up Libya with missiles if rebels take over Libya.

    2) Obama's birth certificate is an impeachable offense.

    3) $9 Trillion (whatever) bailouts given by Obama to bankrupt companies and countries without the confirmed permission of tax-payers is an impeachable offense.

    4) Obama's debt ceiling issue decision without congress would be an impeachable act.

    5) 412 limousines and excess use of Air force One under Obama is an impeachable offense.

    6) Obama spending time with his friend in Hawaii who was arrested for prostitution is an impeachable offense.

    7) 200 million Americans involved with or watching pornography is an impeachable offense.

    8) Americans take about 80% of psycotic drugs in the world and Americans take 80 percent of all prescription painkillers taken in the world. Are Americans weak? hypochondriacs? This is also an impeachable offense because Americans are suffering.

    9) and 10) God is angry with Obama. This the biggest impeachable offense.

    45 million Americans are on food stamps and 45% to 50% Americans do not pay taxes because there income is below taxation limit.

    Some 6 million jobs have been lost since Obama is president.

    Why don't Americans take serious actions when Obama has many impeachable offenses? Are Americans too weak to impeach a president who is just an ordinary person? Obama is not God.

    USA and and world countries will be unrecognizable by year 2013.

    The reason I have written year 2013 is that Obama and his administration will do maximum damage to world economy and world society in next 18 months (till November 2012).

    So the next USA President will need atleast 1 year to repair the maximum damage and there high possibility the maximum damage will never be repaired.

    An American has written this to me:

    You wouldn't know that for about the last 20 years we've been becoming increasingly ignorant, uneducated, purposeless, useless, and hopeless. The pressures, disappointments, unfairness and exhaustion of day-to-day life in this country has left us weak, disoriented, and uncaring about anything but the enjoyment of temporary pleasures. We don't care about laws, or legality. We don't care about decency or civility. We don't believe in governments, the corporations that own them, or in ourselves. The United States I grew up in is already unrecognizable....

    What do we care if some autocrat posing as a "social savior" tramples over our bedrock Constitution if he'll give us welfare, food stamps, rent subsidies, utility credits, and all the other trappings of the Welfare State? We've sold out our Constitutional right to be free, independent individuals in a free, loose confederation of states in a United States, and we did it in return for government-subsidized existence.

    That's why we won't impeach Obama for breaking the law, and that's why we won't even try. We have decayed, rotted, and become perverted and wasted, and now we are falling down as a nation... and nobody in a position of power even cares....

    The last paragraph explains it all. This American seems to be desperate so I have posted his message.

    Another American has written to me:

    Our main issue with Obama is this: would you work hard and invest your money, so that a politician in Washington DC gets to look good, by REDISTRIBUTING the fruits of your labor to others?

    Obama wants take from those who produce and give to those who don't. He trumpets how this makes him a moral champion, by pointing a gun at those who use their brains and saying: "Produce jobs and wealth for me so that I can have power!!"

    What if they don't? What if decent people think that they are not here to be the beasts of burden for scum like Obama?

    Most Americans are kind hearted and will help IF ASKED. They will not help if a thug from Chicago points guns at them.
    #13     Jul 29, 2011
  4. But Obama has a 45 % approval rating and is beating every GOP candidate in 2012 polls.Even if 120 million wants him impeached even more wants him re elected and thats how our political system works
    #14     Jul 29, 2011
  5. g222


    Hey bearice ... those 'thousands of world people' you've been talking to ... they wouldn't be mulsims, would they??? They haven't shown much love for ANY of our presidents. No matter. Yours does appear to have been an interesting world-wide, intergalactic poll, whereas 'mine' has been somewhat more limited in its reach: few Americans with whom I've spoken could care less about foreign public opinion with regard to ANY of our presidents.

    No president has been without faults. No president has been loved by ALL. And no president is responsible to ANYONE other than Americans. It is our right to be as critical of our government as we wish in whatever venue we wish, but the 'ink' is put to better use when directed at those we elect.
    #15     Jul 29, 2011
  6. Polls are usually random selection of 1000 people only.

    Speak to people in real life, forums, observe the people when they speak on medias (websites, TV, newspaper).

    I have observed elitetrader members do not vote in polls posted in this forum.
    #16     Jul 29, 2011
  7. A few polls maybe but numerous polls have been consistent with Obama around 45 % approval for around 2 years now
    #17     Jul 29, 2011
  8. CrackPipe

    CrackPipe Guest

    And replace them with........


    No, wait, that wouldnt work because it was the republicans who got us into this mess in the first place. And it was the republicans who rigged the elections in florida to keep bush the monkey man in power!

    Anywayz, if obama should go back to kenya, should the republicans go back to germany - because thats where the vast majority of white americans come from, not ireland like they pretend to.

    give the usa back to the native americans/red skins and the world will be a safer place all round!
    #18     Jul 29, 2011
  9. CrackPipe

    CrackPipe Guest

    “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of
    leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills.” – Sen.
    Obama’s Floor Speech, March 20, 2006.

    Somethings never change....
    #19     Jul 29, 2011
  10. Obama lost 10,000 twitter followers 2day with tweetathon

    #OpBlockBarack? RT @ttagaris: Barack Obama has lost over 10,000 Twitter followers today w/ the state based tweet-a-thon they are continuing.
    #20     Jul 29, 2011