Dems try and sieze control of internet WTF

Discussion in 'Politics' started by John_Wensink, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. When I think of how many stupid republicans think that the patriot act is "monitoring of overseas phone calls to suspected terrorists and criminals ", its a miracle that the country still functions with so many idiots.

    But of course this is the same group of idiots who are members of the birther movement and idolize the country's biggest idiot Sarah Palin
    #11     Aug 28, 2009
  2. the national response to a severe attack or natural disaster

    Imo, what currently provides us with a false sense of security will be absent in any emergency.

    The cell phone and the lap top (internet conncection).

    Security camera's are worthless except for after the fact.

    The police force in any city heading off into 14 different directions is about what I'd expect just like in New Orleans.

    Awww geez Nutmeg, sounds like you have no faith in the Gov't.

    Do you think Patton or Churchill needed a tele prompter to rally the troops? Men who could think for themselves are far and few these days. Obama is a cardboard cut out, a composite of somebody's ideal of a leader.
    #12     Aug 28, 2009
    #13     Aug 28, 2009
  4. Or, when I think about how many stupid Liberals and Republicans there are in this country, I can hardly see us making it beyond the next 75-100 years of "independence" from Queen Mother.

    Both sides need a wake-up call. As a true Independent's Independent, I think BOTH sides are selling us out. We need genuine Governmental Reform across the entire spectrum of the American Political landscape and we need to start with the Declaration of Independence (not read by most Republicans or Democrats these days) and then move to the Constitution, followed by the Bill of Rights, so that we can learn what being a true Citizen of the United States of America, really means - what it was really supposed to mean.

    "We The People...."

    Somehow, somewhere along the long line of gas guzzling SUV's and 20,000 lbs tanks disguised as Pick-Up Trucks, Mortgages we truly cannot afford and fast food lifestyles we've become so adjusted to, we forgot what "We The People" truly means.

    We need to get back to our roots.
    #14     Aug 28, 2009
  5. 35% of democrats believe Bush knew in advance about 9/11

    28% of republicans believe Obama is not a citizen

    Now, what is your point?
    #15     Aug 28, 2009
  6. Maybe its because you are a moron. What part of the government seizing control of private networks do you think is a good thing?

    If hackers have hacked into top secret government files maybe the first thing the government should do is to cut those compromised computers off from the outside world. Its just a thought.

    If hackers have hacked in, it has nothing to do with my internet connection so keep the fuck out Obama.
    #16     Aug 28, 2009
  7. "If your company is deemed "critical," a new set of regulations kick in involving who you can hire, what information you must disclose, and when the government would exercise control over your computers or network."

    insider, please explain!
    #17     Aug 28, 2009
  8. maxpi


    Actually we have several systems of Warlords in place, it's only a matter of time until a modern day Ghengis Khan unites them and assumes full power.. I can see it now... a coalition of Mexican, Italian, Jewish, etc.. mafias, Yale grads, Jesuits, Bankers, Wall Street execs, Evangelicals... wow, all of 'em partying all weekend and hailing the new Khan...
    #18     Aug 28, 2009
  9. Some would argue that it already exists in several different forms:

    #19     Aug 28, 2009
  10. Illum


    I read through parts of it, it is made to seem as protection from hackers, when really it is constant control. And you are dead on about the Patriot Act too. This is just more of it.
    #20     Aug 28, 2009