Dems find a way to Lose...AGAIN

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CaptainObvious, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. and let us never forget the mother of all conspiracy theories, THE PANCAKE THEORY!!!!!

    #31     Mar 31, 2008
  2. Gord


    C'mon ratboy. You ran away from the Throw grandma under the bus! thread. Don't do it again.

    Where is that evidence that you used when you "begged people to listen ... before the war"? You know - the evidence that the conspiracy "was planned in the 90's". You said "it was easy to figure out." So it must be easy to explain.

    You said you "argued ad nauseam with friends and co workers that thought i was crazy." You haven't even given us one piece of evidence to argue about. So why shouldn't we just conclude that your "friends and co workers" were right?

    You said, "this stuff is formulaic." What's this mysterious formula?

    C'mon rat - give us something to discuss, instead of just proving that your mother was correct...
    #32     Mar 31, 2008
  3. i have an idea.. why don't we focus on the pancake theory. the govt said it, so you absolutely believe it. let's debate the pancake theory first, then we can move to the next topic.

    you do believe the pancake theory blindly right? please support this position and we can begin our debate.

    you seem very antagonistic.... are you in the least bit embarrassed that you got suckered into an illegal war?

    you do know who the neocons are and that they aren't actual conservatives? why do you support Troskyites? wait... do you know what a trotskyite is?
    #33     Mar 31, 2008
  4. Gord


    Quit dodging. You have made a lot of bold, chest-thumping claims and provided not one shred of evidence to support them. Answer my questions you little vermin-troll...
    #34     Mar 31, 2008
  5. Yannis


    The Democratic Party

    I heard Lieberman last night say that during the past 8 years the Democratic party has gradually fallen in the hands of left wing radicals, isolationists and market protectionists, to the great detriment of this country. The result being that many of the Republicans (eg, McCain) are now viewed as the real centrists - a place in the political spectrum where the hearts and minds of most Americans are.

    That's very bad news for the Democrats, unless someone brings them back in synch with the public that votes for them or not. It's also the real cause of the Democrat against Democrat bloody mess we are all living through, which will, hopefully, worsen and deepen and last through the summer :)

    Good news for the Republicans, of course, who now have a broader range of options and have a real chance to keep the White House for another 8 good years!
    #35     Mar 31, 2008
  6. i seriously dont care what you call me.... i like a good debate. it can get messy.. no biggie. but... when someone starts with the mother comments i ignore them.

    #36     Mar 31, 2008
  7. I agree, the Dems are too far left now, and Repubs too far right.

    Big room for a new party maybe?
    #37     Mar 31, 2008
  8. I think there is a real chance that McCain puts Lieberman on the ticket as his running mate. Or alternatively says he will be Secretary of State. As a democrat who is idolized by much of the liberal media, Lieberman is the perfect proxy to attack obama as a dangerous leftist.

    McCain is never going to be popular with conservatives. Perhaps his best option is to go with someone who can draw disaffected democrats and independents.
    #38     Mar 31, 2008
  9. Gord


    Nice try - liar. The mother comment is on this thread you dimwit.

    C'mon you little weasel-troll - show us all how you were so much smarter than everybody else "before the war".

    Give us that evidence or just leave this forum and don't come back, you shameless little liar...
    #39     Mar 31, 2008
  10. yes.. and i corrected that before you made this post. look.. im sorry you are a ignorant neocon that fell for a bunch of lies. go do the research you idiot. they all lied... every last one of them. it was so easy to see.. but gordo.. aka corky, you just kept buying the propaganda.

    they crapped in a bowl and you just asked for a bigger a spoon.

    #40     Mar 31, 2008