Demos think you're jerks

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mav88, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. Dumbass liberals fail to grasp that what you wrote is the correct optimization strategy for each individual.

    What follows is a race to the bottom.
    #11     Mar 26, 2010
  2. I think you and Mav are correct. Liberals think everyone is as dumb as a farm animal, waiting quietly to be led off to slaughter. Many are of course, naively trusting that their government cares about them and is run by leaders who only want to do the right thing.

    Others are more realistic. We saw the first manifestation of that when sales of guns and ammo skyrocketed after obama's election. I think next we can expect far more pervasive tax evasion. Most americans, with the apparent exception of liberal democrats, have always felt a moral obligation to pay their taxes as mandated by the government. Tax compliance here has always been among the highest in the world. Now many feel the social compact has been shattered by obama and pelosi. Many people's attitude will be, if they want to tax me to pay for their vote-buying schemes, let them catch me. What many don't appreciate is that our system is hugely dependent on voluntary compliance. It would break down totally if large numbers of taxpayers filed bogus returns.

    It's unclear to me how the health care "reform" will shake out. This much is certain. Large numbers of Americans feel violated and will be far less likely to comply voluntarily with anything the government asks.
    #12     Mar 26, 2010
  3. Ricter


    What's not realistic is liberals and conservatives battling each other (the way they do). It's the biggest hoax pulled on Americans, ever.
    #13     Mar 26, 2010
  4. Amen. Total Kabuki Theater.

    But then again the WWE is a billion dollar business. Roger Ailes may be evil but he's not an idiot. He damn well knows how to put on show.

    BTW: I read that Vince McMahon is looking to start his own network too

    #14     Mar 26, 2010
  5. Really, is that what I wrote? I dont remember saying that i condemn them to death, only i hope you like living in the new violent drug addicted world we are about to enter. But maybe you are right...maybe we should be doing remember in the bible with the 10 plagues of Egypt...Remember how all the Israelites decided to give the last of what they had to pay for the healthcare of the wicked sinful egyptians who kept disobeying the Hebrew God? Remember how God told Moses that he should be more understanding of the egyptians so that the Israelites could be more compassionate towards the egyptians?

    Oh wait...thats right...that never happened. The Israelites got the heck out of dodge when the egyptians started to make them work harder and harder for less and less which is what just happened with this healthcare bill. The Israelites were the bread and butter of the egyptian economy, just like the people that are going to be paying for this healthcare are the bread and butter of ours. The hard workers are going to pay for the lazy egyptians...i mean americans, healthcare.
    #15     Mar 26, 2010
  6. If only the liberals would just stop fighting us, we wouldnt be fighting then. We would all be one big happy family if the liberals just got on board with the conservatives. We could have peace if there were no liberals.

    (Do you like how I just used the same type of logic that liberals use, but against them? hehe)
    #16     Mar 26, 2010
  7. Perhaps you'll get raptured up very soon so you don't have to worry about all this bad earthly stuff anymore?

    #17     Mar 26, 2010
  8. Not to be insulting to anyone but I remember seeing the ubiquitous WWJD? and my thought was:

    What Would Jethro DO?

    Now I find it impossible not chuckle to myself whenever I see it.
    #18     Mar 26, 2010