Democrats: The Peace er I Mean AIPAC Party

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pa(b)st Prime, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. Frankly I want peace and a two-state solution. Of course given unilateral compromises and sacrifices Barak was forced to make and the fact that the Palestinians still walked away from the proposal without even a courtesy of a counter-offer, started the Intifada and elected Hamas the chances of any kind of solution any time soon are probably quite remote.
    #21     Apr 27, 2007
  2. fhl


    I see nothing that would convince me a so called two state solution would stop the terrorists and promote peace. Nothing.
    #22     Apr 27, 2007

  3. I don't think the average American person knows much at all about the Israel-Palestine issue. If AIPAC didn't have a lot of $$$$$ ,I don't think the politicians would give them much thought.
    #23     Apr 27, 2007
  4. Unfortunately I have to agree.
    #24     Apr 27, 2007
  5. It's not like the Saudis or Iranians don't have a lot of $$$$ but I don't see them making headways with the american public. Money is not everything. In fact there is no contradiction here, AIPAC has a lot of money but their views still represent the views of the majority of americans. You could probably say that AIPAC has a lot of money because they represent the views of the american public.

    You may be right and the average american does not know every detail, every nuance and every controversy of the I-P conflict but even the average american knows full well that Israel is the only true democracy in the region, that it was Arafat who walked away from a peace proposal and that it's the arab world who does not recognize Israel's right to exist, not the other way around.
    #25     Apr 27, 2007
  6. Prior to your rude arrival, the Palestinian people lived off and for that land for thousands of years.

    Your map does not even bother to share me in. It is obvious that was your intention all along. Never mind the hogwash about you wanting to live in peace. Your real intention is to clear and ethnically cleanse the remaining population off the land. That objective was always clear for us. But I have to thank you for having the honesty to admit it to the rest of the people in here.

    We have lived on this land for thousands of years and out of a sudden, we started watching ships swarming and arriving at our beaches filled with armed zionists who were trained in advance at the skills of killing, destruction and ethnic cleansing to clear way for other khazari colonizers like you to come and steal.

    #26     Apr 27, 2007
  7. Please don't exaggerate your presence in Palestine:

    Mark Twain visited Palestine in 1867 and wrote in Innocents Abroad:

    "Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies. Palestine is desolate and unlovely -- Palestine is no more of this workday world. It is sacred to poetry and tradition, it is dreamland." "There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country". "A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action. We reached Tabor safely. We never saw a human being on the whole route". "There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent – not for thirty miles in either direction. ...One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings." ...these unpeopled deserts, these rusty mounds of barrenness..."

    In 1898, German Kaiser Wilhelm II also visited Palestine. He was appalled at the condition of the country. The Ottomans had stripped the forests for lumber and firewood. The Palestinian Arabs had let an old Roman aqueduct fall into ruin. The ultimate ecological curse was the ubiquitous herds of black goats. For nearly 2,000 years after the dispersion of the Jews, Arabs had allowed their goats to graze unfenced across Palestine. They had eaten the grass down to its roots, and the topsoil had eroded and blown away. The biblical land of milk and honey had become a dust bowl.

    Alphonse de Lamartine visited Palestine in 1835:
    "Outside the gates of Jerusalem we saw indeed no living object, heard no living sound, we found the same void, the same silence ... as we should have expected before the entombed gates of Pompeii or Herculaneam a complete eternal silence reigns in the town, on the highways, in the country ... the tomb of a whole people."
    #27     Apr 27, 2007
  8. Khahahaha!

    frankly, you wanted to steal most of the land and divide the rest into small cantons that cannot maintain an autonomous entity.
    Frankly you wanted to cage the rest of the population in an attempt to make them flee or face the threat of watching their kids die from starvation.
    Frankly that even your Barak admitted to that.
    Frankly, your Barak didn't even think that these conditions that were imposed on us were humiliating enough; he to send Sharon to the Al Aqsa mosque to stair anger so that your barak could commit a massacre that will start the second intifada. And a massacre he did!
    #28     Apr 27, 2007
  9. fhl


    And to think some people want to give a so called two state solution to the likes of this.
    #29     Apr 27, 2007
  10. December 27, 2000

    France Tuesday expressed its support for the compromise deal proposed by US President Bill Clinton to Israel and Palestinians to reach a peace agreement, describing it as the best that can be worked out now.

    Spokesman of the French Foreign Ministry Francois Rivasseau said that although the Clinton proposal is not perfect, there exists no "credible alternative."

    "Is there a better solution which can come out for a foreseeable term? I don't think so," he said.

    Hmm, what do you know Wael, the French thought it was a good offer, Wael thinks it was not.
    #30     Apr 27, 2007