Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. brandx


    Why a "global tax?" Because the proponents of man-caused Global Warming would not gain the power they seek.

    None of the computer models developed to show global warming can be proven through back testing. They cannot program in precipitation.

    What happens when it rains, temperature goes down. If a model does not include precipitation, it cannot account for the cooling which is brought by rain.
    #41     Apr 26, 2009
  2. In order to understand the mind set of the radical left environmentalist, one must know the overall agenda. In their lunatic universe all countries must be made equal. In order to accomplish this the United States must be brought down through any means possible.
    Knowing their goal, it then makes perfect sense that crazy laws must be passed here in this country, while other countries like China, India, Russia, Eastern Europe all pollute at higher levels that we ever did, or ever will. Never mind the absurdity of their flawed studies. Doesn't matter! They are right, and even when proven wrong, they'll simply change the formula and start over.
    Radical Leftists are as goofy as those religious zealots which believe the earth was created 7000 years ago. In the environmental religion their world was created about 125 years ago, when the evil man put up a smoke stack. Their premise is that in a mere 125 years we have changed the earths climate to such a degree that it is now cataclysmic. Never mind the billions of years that preceded mans industry. Never mind the ice ages, meteors, countless climate changes, which all happened as part of the natural evolution of a planet. None of that matters because it doesn't fit their end goal... Take America down at any cost.

    Ask no questions you heathens, the elite will do your thinking for you.
    #42     Apr 26, 2009
  3. dsq


    The only way the right can handle science and fact when it doesnt suit their agenda is by refuting it with wacked out idiot, baseless conspiracy theories.
    If there is an agenda to make money off global warming shouldnt the right embrace the opportunity to make money off it?You would think...but then they couldnt spew their loony 911 and nwo conspiracy theories.
    #43     Apr 26, 2009
  4. Let's go through a list:

    Rush Limbaugh college drop out
    Sean Hannity college drop out
    Mark Levin Lawyer
    Neal Boortz Lawyer
    Laura Igraham Lawyer
    Ann Coulter Laywer

    See any scientists or engineers here? Perhaps talk radio is not the proper forum for discussing global warming?

    The profound stupidity of the global warming sceptics astounds me. You really believe that all the scientists who say man made global warming is real are a bunch of delusional environmentalists who hate capitalism? Really?

    Human impact on nature has been profound and well documented. Europe has far fewer forests than it did prior to middle ages. Humans introduced a lot of chemical compounds and/or elements that either don't exist or exist deep below. Non bio degradable plastics pollute the place, factory run offs poison rivers, factory smoke stacks poison air. Certain species don't exist now at all. If you don't pollute the place per se, by cutting down forests and increasing grazing land for cows you negatively impact nature. Dambs, rerouting rivers, I could go on and on. Fact of the matter is, human impact is profund and well documented. Smog over LA is a wonderful example of human impact on environment. You may also investigate what chernobyl did to wildlife nearby...

    In light of all of this, we are supposed to believe companies like exxon mobil and people who have a vested interest in polluting as much as possible(as well as produce as much as possible in china for sale at your local wal mart) as well as pompous blowhards on talk radio who are not qualified to discuss such matters altogether.

    I don't trust corporations, especially american ones, ESPECIALLY exxon mobils of this world. Their plan has been twofold. Deny global warming altogether, but because it is impossible to do in light of shrinking ice caps, the 2nd part consists of denying humans had anything to do with it (or could do anything about it). If you can't affect it anyway, why bother.

    It seems even sillier to trust corporations now in light of the current financial scandal when big business did not give a shit.

    So 50 years from now we will arrive at a place that we won't like. Rush limbaugh will be dead anyway so he won't care but our children will.
    #44     Apr 26, 2009
  5. Interesting list. Let's take a look at a list from those on the opposite side of the issue.

    Bill Mahr - washed up comedian, now angry political commentator
    Al Gore - washed up politician, now opportunist
    Keith Olberman - washed up sports commentator, now angry political commentator.
    Ms. Garofalo - washed up comedian, now just plain washed up useful idiot.

    No brainiacs on that list either.

    Got the point yet? You can put a list of those not qualified and so I can. You can put up a list a scientists that support the issue and I can put up a list of those that don't.
    Bottom line is that there is no conclusive evidence than current climate patterns are anything other than normal planetary evolution. Certainly not enough to radically change our economy. Radical Leftists have made it a political issue to further their agenda. Nothing more, nothing less!
    #45     Apr 26, 2009
  6. How convenient to ignore the larger part of my post and come up with a caricature. "your scientists" will be bankrolled by Wal Marts and Exxon Mobils of this world. Our economy will be changed big time if current rates of ice melts continue. Water levels, wild fire intensities, intensity of hurricaines. Your statement about not radically changing the economy shows your ignorance. It is not only radical left either who is involved with global warming.

    Al Gore is not a washed up politician. He was also for the environment way before it was "cool" He is also a Harvard Graduate. Keith Olbermann is a journalist (better than anyone on the right) The rest are comedians and by definition cannot carry the mantle of serious messages.

    1 degree difference in the temperature of oceans is catastrophic. I live in Florida and 2004-2005 hurricaine seasons seriously undermined insurance industry's desire to write home owner's policies here.
    #46     Apr 26, 2009
  7. You're on FIRE bro....:)
    #47     Apr 26, 2009
  8. Flat Earth Society is really rocking. :confused:
    #48     Apr 26, 2009
  9. This is not a hard concept:

    a)Earth is Warming (polar ice caps melting provide an easy reference for the developmentally challenged (talk radio listeners))

    b)The rate of change in temperature is far in excess of what is supposed to happen in case of a 1000+ year old trend.

    In essence, not only are the temperatures increasing, they are doing so far faster than can be expected from a macro trend.

    You put those two together and you have a self evident conclusion. If you choose to believe exxon mobil that is your choice.
    #49     Apr 26, 2009
  10. Olberman is a journalist? :eek: :eek: :eek: Now that's rich. Gore not washed up? I don't know how you define washed up, but when a politician can't even carry his own state in a presidential election that pretty well sums it up for me.
    Intensity of hurricanes? How do you explain all the intense hurricanes prior to all this global warming hysteria? You can't!
    Scientists are bankrolled by XOM? And who bankrolls your "unbiased" research? Every lunatic fringe group that's out there, that's who. On and on it goes, all of it just wild eyed speculation.
    #50     Apr 27, 2009