Democrat's Don't Believe in God

Discussion in 'Politics' started by version77, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. Hate to tell you dude but it was the Republicans who busted the Monopolies not the Democrats. Also the Dems only went pro-union after they needed the Union endorsement and money to win an election.
    #11     Nov 1, 2006
  2. My mom does not use crack (do you?) Do you suck men off? You brought it up?
    Are you on welfare? Are you African-American? Are you a prostitute?

    It's the Democratic leaders that want to allow this. Don't blame it
    on crack smoking dick sucking welfare African-Americans (I don't
    use the "N" word, but you do. Sounds pretty classy. You must be
    a Democrat? Maybe from Arkansas like President Clinton. Now wasn't
    he a class act in the White House?

    And now Kerry dissin' the troops. What a class act. Just like you dude.
    #12     Nov 1, 2006
  3. is this you and your daddy?
    The controversial anti-homosexual Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., has canceled its plans to stage a protest at the funerals of the five Amish girls executed in their Pennsylvania school, a church official said Wednesday.,2933,217760,00.html
    #13     Nov 1, 2006
  4. There should be a sign that says:

    "You have to be above this (mental) height before you can post here."

    Kids should be seen and not heard. This little dude is still on a sugar bender from his a great Trick or Treat conquests and exploits from last night.


    #14     Nov 1, 2006
  5. That's exactly right. It was the GOP who ended slavery, ended child labor, busted monopolies ect.
    #15     Nov 1, 2006
  6. How come you only have the freedom to be either 'left' or a 'right'? Are you allowed to be anywhere in between?

    And why should I have to believe in your 'god'? I do by the way, but just asking.

    So let me get this straight, if you go to iraq and kill some innocent darker skinned people who may fight back, and you die, you will automatically go to a wonderful glorious 'heaven' where everything is all happy and white and all your mideeds are forgiven by some 'magic' figure? ROTFLOL. Any virgins there? LMAO

    Talk about sick extremism...

    Those kind of extremist people who have been brainwashed to bible thump really scare me.

    And every day you have to turn towards some cross and mutter prayers to this 'god' who will protect you from all things. Gee, why not just face mecca and pray to allah. Oh wait, THEY are extremists we are sane, rational.
    #16     Nov 1, 2006
  7. So if you lived in that time you would not have supported the GOP, right? After all the current incarnation of the GOP is pro-slavery, pro-child labor and pro-big business (which is monopolizing entire industries) and they have your full support, don't they?
    #17     Nov 1, 2006
  8. What the FUCK are you talking about?
    #18     Nov 1, 2006
  9. Artie21


    The Republican party today bears no resemblance in substance, policy, practice, and style to the original Republican party, formed in the divisive decade of the 1850s, nor to the trustbusters of the turn of the century.

    THe notion that any individual can be neatly summed up by his party affiliation is ridiculous. It is an idea cooked up by the right wing of the Republican party, broadcast by the Big Fat Liar and his ilk. It is the politics of division, which the lame brained founder of this thread is practicing as an unwitting tool of the operatives of the Republican party.

    There are some true thinkers here (Pabst, e.g.) who have opined against the reign of Liberalism, a reign which ended in 1980.

    A Majority of Americans support the right to abortion. This is a fact. It is not a defining party issue. Many Republican congressmen, senators, governors and mayors support the right to choose.

    Welfare. Western state Republicans have done more to promote corporate welfare than any other party.

    Didlo and his Pop are bigots, who don't like anybody different from them, don't want to pay taxes, and hate their neighbors.

    If his Dad is a wellto do accountant, I'll bet he is peddling questionable tax avoidance schemes.
    #19     Nov 1, 2006
  10. Artie21


    So this describes your mother? What a class act you are, to defile and defame your mother on a public forum.

    You are disgusting.

    Who's your daddy, Mark Foley? How is Daddy Mark these days? Still making you horny?
    #20     Nov 1, 2006