Democrats Blink

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Arnie, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. Arnie


  2. Arnie


    Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris are disappointed

    From CNN's Manu Raju, Tal Kopan and Jeremy Herb

    California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who is facing a primary challenge from the left, said she is "disappointed" as she left the chamber.

    In an indication of progressive sentiment: A frustrated Kamala Harris emerged from the vote and told reporters she doesn’t believe McConnell made any commitment, as her colleagues are claiming.

    “Listen, I’m disappointed with a conversation that suggests a false choice, you either fund the government or you take care of these DACA kids,” Harris said. “We can do both.”

    As for McConnell’s so-called commitment, Harris shot it down.

    “I don’t believe he made any commitment whatsoever and I think it would be foolhardy to believe he made a commitment,” Harris said.

    According to a Democratic source, progressive senators are not happy with their colleagues who are voting for this deal, a sign of a deep divide in the caucus.
  3. We all know the R's will pass DACA, but they first have to play this game first to appease the White Race. What was noticeable this past week Kelly's comments regarding the wall: campaign talk and nothing else.

  4. fhl


    Yeah, we get it. Appeasing the white race is horrendous, but appeasing the brown race and shutting down gov't (and then lying about it, as you just have) is a vary honorable thing to do.
  5. The 1% run your country, if you think you're gonna put up walls and kick the cheap labor immigrants out, you obviously don't know where you live or what your party stands for.

    Oh and,


    Stick around, this is next.
    Slartibartfast and Cuddles like this.
  6. jem


    covert would you allow 40 million conservative votes into your country over the next generation without opposing that immigration policy.

    wanting to preserve your constitutional republic is not racist.
    I am tired of all the racism being spewed by leftists.
  7. “Democrats blink” is an interesting characterization. The bottom line is the Democrats are trying to tie DACA to their approval of budget funding.

    Is it possible for the Republican’s to escalate this issue by adding in conditions to reduce funding of several low return social programs or else they will vote against approval?

    Although this would create a war with Democrats and a long term Government shutdown, they would eventually have to cave as their interests would slowly get “starved out.”

    As far as the Republican focused areas such as national defense, couldn’t Trump declare at some point declare a national emergency, due to millitary readiness concerns, and force funding of the milltary and other critical goverment services?

    I would love to see this battle becoming focused on a reduction of wasteful government spending.
    jem and AAAintheBeltway like this.
  8. In order for this cartoon to fully represent my thinking, I (the guy with the guns as depicted in the cartoon) would be helping the Republican politician move the wheelbarrows of cash representing medicare and social security out of the budget.

    I know that is not practical option now, but it is best for people rather than the Government, to decide how they want to spend their money.

    A smaller government and greater personal accountability equals a stronger country.

    It is ok by me for people who do not work by choice, save, or plan their future to live on the streets.
  9. gwb-trading


    Let's face the reality... the Democrats were taking all the heat for this shutdown and were being viewed as the obstructionists. All the MSM was on this message - "The Democrats are shutting down the government because 800,000 illegal immigrants are more important than 350 Million U.S. citizens and our defense and security" The MSM outlets were all promoting this message or having to attempt to defend the Democrats against it for the left-leaning outlets.

    The Democrats folded so quickly since they were taking a beating.