Democrats Are Trying Smear Kavanaugh Again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. wildchild


    These clowns just dont know when to quit. They still can't over the fact they lost the 2016 election, they can't get over the fact Kavanaugh was confirmed. It is lie after lie with these people.

    The New York Slimes, the Clinton News Network, and MSLSD, NBC News, ABC News, CBS news ought to be called what they are, "Democrat Operatives". The guy who is the top guy at ABC worked directly for Bill Clinton. Shouldn't that be a conflict of interest. They have no news value whatsoever. There is a bit of a chicken and egg thing going on because I have not be able to figure if the Lame Stream Media runs the Democrat Party, or if the Democrat Party runes the Lame Stream Media. Either way, both are one in the same.
    elderado and traderob like this.
  2. destriero


    Your Hitler is stupid.

    piezoe and Frederick Foresight like this.
  3. Bum


    I'm not Dem or Rep.

    I agree media is very biased but after watching Kavanaugh & Blasey-Ford testify, I would never have confirmed Kavanaugh. She seemed honest & he did a poor job of "acting". One of them wasn't telling the truth. His biggest "crime" now IMO is that he lied to congress under oath.

    Just an opinion from an "unbiased" observer.
  4. DTB2


    Oy vay
    LacesOut likes this.
  5. DTB2


    I'm guessing you're quite dense.
  6. Bum


    BTW, I meant Rep.

    I gave my opinion. You disagree. No problem, but I'm guessing you're a Rep. :D
  7. Cuddles


    under polygraph too
    Bum and Frederick Foresight like this.
  8. elderado


    Does the new "accuser's" house have 1 front door or 2? Interesting he's a Clinton lawyer.

    I'm just sayyin..
  9. DTB2


  10. elderado


    #10     Sep 15, 2019
    DTB2 likes this.