Democrats are reportedly preparing an embarrassing dossier against Trump before the 2020 election

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. wildchild


    The democrats can only exist in a world run by darkness and lies. I guess they didnt really get in any trouble from their last bogus dossier and abuse of power, so they might as well do it again.

    Certainly none of it needs to be verified as long as it can damage Trump.

    Just make sure Jim Comey, Jake Clapper, Hussein Obama, and Loretta Lynch get a copy.

    The Democratic National Committee's research team is compiling a dossier of lawsuits on President Donald Trump that span across the US, according to an
    Axios report on Sunday.
    Buy1Sell2 likes this.
  2. Buy1Sell2


    I'm sure they are the ones writing it
  3. elderado


    Naw, the New York Times will be writing up the whole shebang. It's gotten pretty damn good at revisionist history.

  4. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Perfect description of the world of Trump.He is one the most hateful,evil and racist presidents ever,and by far the biggest liar.
  5. Buy1Sell2


    vanzandt likes this.
  6. elderado


    And the New York Times standard of revisionist history continues...

  7. That is pretty stupid on part of NYT. then again the print media has gone to the shitter along with cable news media ...
  8. carrer


    No Xir, he is probably the most loved, kindest and most truthful president ever.
  9. elderado


    And the New York Times DOES IT AGAIN!!!

  10. That looks like a bullshit twitter feed.....find the actual tweet that said that.
    #10     Sep 11, 2019