Democrat Way!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bugscoe, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. Don't care what party he's of, should have busted his knee. Thats how you handle somebody bigger than you. How does
    the media not fix on that?
    #31     Jun 14, 2010
  2. cstfx


    I'm glad you are willing to admit the Rep. f*cked up. HE was in the wrong. But stop trying to justify it partially through the glasses of your own politics, whatever the question asked was. Jesus! Ever see a woman walk by a construction site during lunch?

    He f'd up. He should have just kept on walking. Instead, he saw an opportunity to intimidate someone and he took it. Nothing but a bully.

    BTW, how was the kid being insolent? Check the video again. He asked the question once and then the Congressman goes off. It wasn't edited.
    #32     Jun 14, 2010
  3. Completely irrelevant! What these dipshits in congress need to get through their thick f'n skulls is they work for us. That means I can walk up to anyone of these worthless cocksuckers anytime I fell like it and start asking questions. They can then choose to be the no good incompetent jerks that they are, and refuse to answer. They lay a hand on me I have every right to beat their ass, which is exactly what most of these bastards need, a really good beatdown.
    #33     Jun 14, 2010
  4. You mean where I said a fist sandwich should have been served up? OR the conversation with Ricter regarding edits?
    #34     Jun 14, 2010
  5. Arnie


    I don't know what's funnier...the video or Thunderpuppy defending a thug.

    #35     Jun 14, 2010
  6. Oh, so you support violence. Noted.
    #36     Jun 14, 2010
  7. Oh my, looky what I found! Another democrat getting violent:

    &nbsp;<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' salign='l' flashvars='&amp;titleAvailable=true&amp;playerAvailable=true&amp;searchAvailable=false&amp;shareFlag=N&amp;singleURL=;;hostURL=;swfPath=;omAccount=triblocaltvglobal&amp;' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' menu='true' name='PaperVideoTest' bgcolor='#ffffff' devicefont='false' wmode='transparent' scale='showall' loop='true' play='true' pluginspage='' quality='high' src='' align='middle' height='450' width='300'></embed>
    #37     Jun 14, 2010
  8. I'm not defending the congressman because his conduct fell far short of ideal. I am simply not defending a punk who asks a loaded question and refuses to identify himself. He might as well have been giving the congressman the finger. Neither person's conduct was particularly commendable. That you would think I was specifically defending the congressman shows YOUR bias.
    #38     Jun 14, 2010
  9. When assualted, you bet your ass I fully support a violent response.
    #39     Jun 14, 2010
  10. Oh, I just know you're kidding. Good one.
    #40     Jun 14, 2010