Democrat Debate Caused Me To Suffer Brain Damage

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. I accidentally turned on the debate for a couple of minutes, and all I can say is the CIA doesn't need to waterboard terrorists anymore. Just force them to listen and watch this stuff. Most would be pleading to be waterboarded, if not shot dead, just to be spared the ordeal.

    I had to turn it off as Hillary was explaining how imposing additional taxes on oil companies will solve the energy crisis. Unfortunately, I had a clicker malfunction and was exposed to a woman, an "ordinary voter", reading a question. Then later I caught a snippet of Hillary gingerly mentioning that the good people of NY were upset when millionaire terrorist/Obama pal Billy Ayers said he regretted not setting off more bombs and presumably murdering more people.

    Honestly, I felt I suffered irreversible brain damage from being exposed to less than two minutes of this. No wonder Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulis had vacant stares by the end.
  2. In your case, a brain addled by years of gestation of Rush Limfat would leave your brain already damaged beyond repair.

    Nothing from nothing leaves nothing...


  3. you obviously didn't watch much, charlie and george were awful. i am embarrassed for them both... well if i could get past my intense disdain for both whores. i don't use that term lightly either.

    they spent most of the night on petty crap of he said she said mindless blathering instead of focusing on the issues. abc news is officially "entertainment" and not very good entertainment. those two boobs need to be tar and feathered.
  4. LT701


    i didnt watch it, and i didnt read about it

    it's a non event between 2 non-entities with a non discussion of non-issues, with non-coverage from non-newspeople

    any frank discussion of real issues facing the citizens, expressly prohibited
  5. Listening to the Great One has been proven to stimulate brain function. That's one reason you find it difficult to keep up with me intellectually. Listening to more than a few minutes of Hillary or Obama forces the brain to shut itself down as a defense mechanism, similar to what happens if you fall off a crab boat into the Bering Sea.
  6. Oh yes, they hooked up monkeys and had the monkeys listen to Fatman on the radio, and it stimulated brain function.

    That stimulated brain function of the same monkeys resulting from being forced to listen to the endless hours of droning by the Fatman was exactly equal to the recorded brain function of the same monkeys engage in nonstop homosexual sex...

    So you got that going for you AAA...

  7. I feel for the moderators. There is no discernible difference between the candidates on any issue. Who could sit through another droning discussion of health care or who was against the Iraq war when?

    Even the attempts at going negative fell flat. Hillary accused Obama of being friendly with the notorious Bill Ayers, but he was able to counter that Bill had pardoned or commuted sentences of terrorists. I suppose she could have responded that she and Bill were rich now and wouldn't sell any more pardons.

    Basically, it is a choice between an incredibly boring black racist wannabe marxist who has capitalized on being half african his whole life, or an incredibly annoying shrew with a 30 year record of corruption, intimidation, fraud, obstruction of justice and congenital lying.
  8. One of those monkeys is now running a 12 billion dollar hedge fund and another one is on John McCain's Senate staff.
  9. LT701


    "Basically, it is a choice between an incredibly boring black racist wannabe marxist who has capitalized on being half african his whole life, or an incredibly annoying shrew with a 30 year record of corruption, intimidation, fraud, obstruction of justice and congenital lying"

    yup - pretty much sums them up

    and on the other party, a guy who wants to randomly invade countries while surrendering to invaders in our own, with ted kennedy

    this coming era is the era of the citizen calling his rep and senators every damned week

  10. seriously you didn't watch it.. it reminded me of what both of these scumbags did to Ron Paul.

    i don't feel for these criminals.. and that really is what they are. i don't support obama and i have an intense dislike for hillary, but those moderators and their hidden agendas had my blood boiling.
    #10     Apr 17, 2008