Dem wants to raise gas tax by 50 cents

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. bighog

    bighog Guest

    Would a 50c gas tax increase make a difference? I mean, what good would that do? A 50c gas tax increase is meaningless.

    A $5.00 a gallon tax increase....NOW we are talking. That is whats needed to get everyone off the dime and change their ways. The added tax revenue would be used to rebuild Americas horrible infrastructure etc. There could be tax credits for miles driven to work and back to help low wage workers get to the job etc. We all klnow the last thing we need is for the minimum wage workers not going to work and supporting some corps CEO"S multi million pay, bonus package for running the company in the ground.

    Bottom line: Something must be done and dam fast. A piss ant gas tax increase will only get the small fry whiners complaining about the Democrats, i mean how narrow minded can some get?

    PS, FWIW, the auto companies are as much to blame for the gas problem as the average consumer........selling horsepower and speed is what sells. How many go jump in the "grocery getter" and fire up the HEMI? How many had a choice to buy a 4 banger and decided that was beneath their status?

    The problem is THE CONSUMER. The other problem is the same person that is worried stiff that the Dems will raise their taxes by a nickle when the oil companies and the war moungers that are seeking to take over the middle east and keep the oil profits flowing to the few hands that are in power at the cost of the gas comsuming public. The truth about taxes is there is no such thing as tax decreases for working people. They might pretend to lower your rates but nail you in other ways.AKA gas price increase as we about this we speak .......the FED is taking in many of the financial Corps "TOILET PAPER" as collatorial to bail them out.....stay tuned boys and girls ...that is a tax increase in the long run that will be paid by the small fish. Mozila and friends increased your taxes as he was in the tanning spa getting a better tan than a camels ass. Has Mozila been called out as a bad boy? O, wait a minute, Mozila is not a Dem and he has not called for a gas tax increase.

    Wise up folks, you are taking it in the pike and you are enjoying it because the republicans and big oil has you by the shorthairs.

    Come to think of it, maybe a $10 gallon a gallon increase might get the job done even faster.

    Happy egg fetching.
    #11     Mar 21, 2008
  2. bighog

    bighog Guest

    Here is another little tidbit to consider: Received a package from UPS, Fedex lately? Flown on airplane? Bought any groceries?

    Ok, you get the idea.........Your taxes HAVE been increased because the cost of oil is being passed on to the consumer by so called "FUEL SURCHARGES". Big business has the ability to tax the little guy with price increases etc. who gives you a break on your gas costs as you go and buy their products?

    case closed
    #12     Mar 21, 2008
  3. "A Michigan congressman wants to put a 50-cent tax on every gallon of gasoline to try to cut back on Americans' consumption."

    Gasoline rising from $0.99 to $3.50 per gallon has done nothing to decrease consumption.
    #13     Mar 21, 2008
  4. A gas tax isn't nearly as damaging as what Obama wants to do. Nearly double capital gains combined with trade protectionism.

    This guy needs to read his economic history. That is a disaster waiting to happen.
    #14     Mar 21, 2008
  5. TraderC


    How's this for a change? A big check for every brother.
    #15     Mar 21, 2008

  6. That would be cheaper then the extra trillion + Mad Man McCain will spend on extending the Iraq war or the extra trillions he will spend starting new ones

    And when did Obama say he would give slavery reparations ?That would never get through Congress
    #16     Mar 22, 2008
  7. Would it be worse then what Bush has done ? Trillion dollar + war,3.50 a gallon gas,worthless dollar,inflation,biggest addition to the national debt of any presidency etc
    #17     Mar 22, 2008
  8. Bush isn't the issue. He's gone soon.

    But yeah, Bush's spending was (is) not good. Combine that with tax hikes discouraging investments and trade protectionism?


    I don't think there is anyway Obama can win a national election, but its still scary.
    #18     Mar 22, 2008

  9. I am no Obama fan,but i'd pick him over Mccain

    With all of the times i have heard McCain threaten other countries(including Iran,Korea,Russia,China),i believe this man will have The US involved in other Wars,possibly WW III

    I'd rather Obama give a few billion to the poor then having McCain spend trillions extending the Iraq war and starting new ones.McCain is no expert on the economy either

    Obama cant do anything to radical with social or economic programs because it would have to go through congress.McCain doesn't believe he needs a declaration of war to attack another country
    #19     Mar 22, 2008
  10. you have that backwards. Congress will be even more democrat than it is now in '09. Obama will have a rubber stamp for many of his programs and taxes.

    Mac is the one that won't be able to do any damage. The US public will not put up with another war unless something drastic happens (like Iran invading somewhere for example).

    Mac will talk tough, but he won't be able to do shit, and probably won't want to. He just carries a big stick.

    The US public was in favor of the Iraq invasion last time. They will not be in favor of another for quite some time.

    BTW, I wanted Romney, but I'll take anyone over the most socialist person in the US Senate.
    #20     Mar 22, 2008