Dell cancels orders to 5 states... CA, CO, HI, OR, WA

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by tiddlywinks, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. tiddlywinks


  2. jys78



    There is an opportunity here.
  3. Metamega


    I don’t even understand. Not a computer genius but aren’t you only going to be eating up huge wattage unless you actually need it?

    Last time I checked my CPU and GPU only ramp up unless I ask it too by pushing it with tasks.

    I can think of 100 good ways to get some demand off the grid and limiting gaming PC’s doesn’t even come close to the list.
    KCalhoun likes this.
  4. Overnight


    If everyone would simply turn the fucking light off when they are not in the room would save $400,000,000,000 annually in this country. Trust me on that.
    VicBee, zdreg, Apologetik and 2 others like this.
  5. newwurldmn


    or all those cloud computing servers that reside in CA.

    what’s google’s Mountain View electricity bill?
  6. Sig


    I don't think they have any major server farms in the valley. Server farm siting is down to a fine science to minimize cooling, electricity and real estate costs. The Bay Area strikes out on at least two of those counts and since they're not doing HFT at Google (that we know of) they can probably live with the latency to Nevada or cheap hydro power in the PNW.
  7. taojaxx


    So I can't play video games in CA but I can feel free to crap on the sidewalks, right?
    timtrader, zdreg and MarkBrown like this.
  8. Overnight


    Crapping on the sidewalks does not consume power. And yes, you can play video games in CA.

    Except you can't get 350 frames per second on your rig. You can get only 349.4 frames per second.
  9. newwurldmn


    true. The town near me (in New England) has become popular for Bitcoin mining and for canibus growing because electricity is so cheap by mandate of the power company.
  10. maxinger


    for goodness sake, please do Pareto Analysis, and
    focus on the top few, not the bottom few.
    focus on vital few, not trivial many.

    room heaters & air conditioners use tons of electricity.

    lightings, computers (except bitcoin miners) use relatively low electricity.

    #10     Jul 27, 2021
    murray t turtle and Trader200K like this.