Definitely not good news.............

Discussion in 'Trading' started by klurby, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. Founder


    Elections in US have proven to be a scam long ago.

    The system is so sublime.

    You vote for a guy who promises to End the Wars. Like Obama lets say.

    But then behind the curtains, corporations and Fed itself simply throws so much money behind the new president that they buy him out.

    Obama visited Bilderberg meeting to get their approval
    (I can post the link if you want)

    Every president since JFK became simply employee of the system.

    JFK had other ideas and he got killed.

    There is no democracy in US, how else do you explain that government consistently does what people DO NOT WANT

    People do not want war spending.
    People do not want changes to health-care with fine print addendums

    People do not want bailout of already wealthy individuals.

    People do not want GMO shit food, yet FDA keeps approving it.

    Yeah man think about this gem

    People do not want to eat corn where ever cell produces chemical pesticide until kernel is saturated with it. Yet people are being served that corn.
    #11     Jul 10, 2011
  2. If Odumbo overrides Congress's failure to raise the debt ceiling, the ruse of "floating Treasuries to pay for our spending" will become evident to all.. in other words, the world will see it as "government printing money without constraint". $USD should take a big hit... rates could soar.

    (Remember Odumbo's campaign promise to "fundamentally transform the US"? This is about the only promise he's kept.)
    #12     Jul 10, 2011
  3. Illum


    In a very real way the Administration has a point. YOU "Congress" enacted these programs. Now we the Executive will carry them out. Whether you didn't understand the future costs is immaterial. If you can not agree to cut entitlements, it is not our problem, we will pay them. The obligations you set forth will be paid. As they are getting paid, if you would like a change, come up with a bill, see if I sign it. "lol" Your cap is unconstitutional.

    I see their use of this amendment. However, I also see a very weak and useless Congress regardless. Huffing and puffing with no more meaning.
    #13     Jul 10, 2011
  4. BSAM


    1. Term limits.

    2. Balanced budget amendment.

    3. Tax reform.

    4. Elimination of the House Of Representatives.

    These items fix a myriad of problems in this country.
    #14     Jul 10, 2011
  5. Lucrum


    #15     Jul 10, 2011
  6. achilles28


    I agree. Stocks will benefit. So will oil and commodities. This is a big deal.
    #16     Jul 10, 2011
  7. And that's where the rubber meets the road - for all their baying, the Tea Party folks have no intention of actually, accountably cutting entitlements.

    Politics as usual.
    #17     Jul 10, 2011
  8. spindr0


    If not raising the debt ceiling will have calamitous effects (as many suggest), why is the market shrugging it off? Is this like Y2K, much ado about nothing?
    #18     Jul 10, 2011
  9. Larson

    Larson Guest

    This is very true. Right at this moment, there are some very ugly precedents being set by your government. One day the citizens of this formerly great nation, will wake up with their house abandoned to them. Amazing that it only took a decade to run it into the ground. Prepare for banana republic USA.
    #19     Jul 10, 2011
  10. clacy


    Regardless, eventually the bond market will force this the US to straighten out its financial situation.

    Whether we do it now, or 10 years from now, it's going to happen.....
    #20     Jul 10, 2011