Defense Secretary Mattis

Discussion in 'Politics' started by vanzandt, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. vanzandt


    Its a good pick
    War is horrific. Some who post here have probably seen that first hand.
    Mattis has seen young men blown in half. You don't forget that.
    Trump may be a loose cannon... but I'm glad he picked a man that knows the atrocities of actual combat.
    Peace through strength.
    Negotiate anything. Anything but war.
    For real... its the only way.
    A 4 star Marine knows whats up.
    Chalk one up for Trumpy.
  2. vanzandt


    And that being said... I would not want to be in ISIS. Cause those F'rs are gonna all be dead this time next year.
    Clubber Lang likes this.