Would you happen to know where the persons who make the TMBR quotes for GE, GM, KO, MCD, etc. are physically located? Or is it just a big computer program?
Hal 2000 is located in Greenwhich CT. We obviously have people on our trade desk monitoring things. We are also willing to make tight markets for large option blocks in the ETF's and other markets. If interested in trading larger option blocks (you don't have to be an IB customer), contact me and I'll give you further details.
Does Timber Hill also make markets on index options for Borsa Italia (IDEM, Options on MIB30) ? Seems to be new that you offer this market to retail clients. I discovered it about 2 weeks ago.
determine if the NBBO is TMBR or NYSE specialist ? I have no clue ... is there a way to know before sending in a limit order to buy or sell using smart ex ?
and I still have no clue .... many times TMBR 's quote is same as specialist or if it is just TMBR ... it looks on my TWS as if it is specialist until I execute and see its TMBR it does show up on my Time and Sales as NASD and non NYSE execution