Def, i have heard that IB is already testing daytrading-margins for futures at a 50% or 65% level. Some users already can use this lower margins for daytrades. Do you have any information about this. Is there any schedule, whether and when this will be available for all customers? sincerely Merkur
Sorry, i had better read the thread "IB Improvments 2" before. Yor wrote: "You just need to beware that margin will go to 100% 5 minutes before the close." Will it be 5 minutes before 16:00 or 16:15 EST? sincerely Merkur
rec'd word today that day trading margins will be available to the masses on Friday or Monday. Also note in my initial post I said 5 minutes before the close they revert to full margin. It will be 10 minutes. As for 4 or 4:15 PM. I would guess 4:15 BUT, info will be posted on the web site and since I didn't specifically ask if it was the stock or futures close, i suggest you read the info when posted on the web on Friday or Monday.
Alright Def, thanx. This great info/news came just in time, because I was just preparing to transfer my account to another broker because of the lack of daytrading-margins. sincerely Merkur
Reduced Futures Margin Requirements Effective immediately, ACE, Globex and HKFE products will be margined at 50% of normal SPAN requirements during open-outcry trading hours for each product type. Each day at 10 minutes before the close of the trading session, or 3:50 pm New York Time (for ACE products and Globex products closing after 4:00 pm), SPAN margin requirements will revert back to the 100% requirement until the opening of normal trading hours. SPAN margin requirements will always be applied at 100% for all spread transactions. -------------------- Def, "for ACE products and Globex products closing after 4:00 pm" So the the margin for the eminis ES and NQ will revert to 100% at 4:05pm EST, correct? sincerely Merkur p.s. Many thanks for your support here in the forum!
no, it looks like the end of day time is being marked to the stock closure - thus 3:50. (not all A/C/E products trade until 4 PM)
DEF- A QUESTION FOR YOU... i want to take advantage of the new daytrading margins. I daytrade with market on close exits.Since i plan to be fully leveraged can i just allow IB to automatically liquidate my entire position at the end of the day to satisfy margin requirements or do they only do a partail liquidation? Also, will i incur some type of penalty from IB by forcing a liquidation of my position? Thanks again for all your help with previous issues.
there are no penalties for auto-liquidation. however, the liquidations are only partial - i.e. enough to bring you into compliance.