Decline and fall: how American society unravelled

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JamesL, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. JamesL


  2. Eight


    What drivel!! The Civil Rights thingy was non-violent? I remember riots and that cities burned, a lot. And California's school system was one of the best before Prop 13? I was in said school system before prop 13, it was rated near the bottom.

  3. The main thrust of the article is that the duties we owe to each other as a society, have been shredded.

    The biggest concept in society that I know of, that addresses the moral duties we owe each other can be found in religion(s).

    Wonder if the decline in religion, and something "bigger than ourselves" explains some of this societal decline.

    Go to, where the 18 - 36 demographic hangs out. Strident atheism is dominant. You will be quickly 'downvoted' for spiritual posts. Divergent opinions are not allowed...........
  4. pspr


    Not to worry. The rise of Islam in the world will bring them back to religion or see their heads come off.
  5. jem


    The downfall began with the Great Society govt give aways, ill conceived or even vengefully conceived massive immigration policies and the removal of ethics from many of our institutions.

    You all can figure out who orchestrated that... and you might even figure out why.

    Note... previous waves of immigrants landed on the shores of a country without much of a social safety net. It was hard work or else. Hard work allowed their children to be far higher up the social ladder.

    those immigrants relied on other immigrants at first and worked their asses off to become part of society.

    Along came the Great Society govt give aways... govt workers, govt unions and a stupidly conceived massive immigration policy and what you had was millions of new immigrants who realized it was easier to suck down govt benefits and create the need for more govt workers and thereby become a larger free ice cream voting america.

    Obviously not every immigrant chose that path but enough did to really screw the whole balance up.

    The downfall began with the Great Society, Ill conceived immigration and the removal of ethics from many of our institutions.

    You all can figure out who orchestrated that... and you might even figure out why.