Decided to only trade first and last hour.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Audi_R8, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. Audi_R8


    The rest I have found is just break even at best, losing proposition actually, for me


    -Helps prevents overtrading and second guessing
    -Helps prevent revenge trading
    -More likely to catch real significant moves
    -Market fatigue goes away
    -more chop mid day
    -allows you to gauge market sentiment to prepare for last hour
    - it becomes a specialization
    - commission costs come down.


    -Don't see any.

    Who's with me?
  2. You're broker isn't ;)
  3. Audi_R8


    LOL, true that.
  4. No.Heat


    Trade the first two hours. Use the afternoon to relax or let some winners run.

    No Heat
  5. drawbacks

    - miss opportunities that don't occur in first/last hours
  6. maxpi


    What he said
  7. I am not with you. Nor am I with the poster who doesn't trade the first hour.

    One wants to play tennis with only forehand, one want to play with only backhand.

    You let the physical "hour" dictate how you trade, not the actual market conditions. It is true that the market is *most of the time* more volatile in the first 2 hours and last 2 hours. Unless you have better use of your time during the doldrums (like play golf or have a 2 hour lunch or something), there seem no need to shut off the middle 3.5 hours (and in your case 5.5 hours) just a matter of rules. You can make money in the less volatile hours too.
  8. Yeah...if you've done the stats work on your trade performance and it shows you are a net loser in the trading session between the first hour / last hour.

    Shut down and be productive in something else.

  9. I think you are on to something...are you trading stocks, futures, options, forex...makes a big difference
  10. GE2009


    I don't trade the first half hour-forty minutes, and I certainly don't trade near the end of the day when volume is low. I back off lot sizes during mid day as well.

    To each his own. Do what works!
    #10     Feb 2, 2010