Decentralized Finance {Defi}

Discussion in 'Economics' started by zdreg, May 23, 2024.

  1. zdreg


  2. maxinger


    Is it working well in countries like Russia, China?
  3. Sprout


    That's couple yrs stale. ETH infura nodes can be Geo-fenced and restricted. If I remember correctly, it happened in Canada to that 'freedom convoy.'

    In other news, the devs in Tornado Cash, a crypto transaction anonymizer were recently arrested. Also Uniswap, arguably the most popular DeFi protocol is being targeted by the SEC.

    Imho, through FinCen and AML laws, the U.S. will actively attempt to shut down these workarounds of sanctions.
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  4. I really appriciate Crypto for it is decentralized. This means real equal chances for everyone to earn or invest or do anything. there is no higher power in decentralized finance.