Dear President Bush

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JayS, Apr 15, 2006.

  1. so long as you know that it is not the fault of the little man. By the way, you will be shocked to know that i feel sorry for you.
    Finally, i am not a liberal, i am bordering on hard core socialism.
    i know that you are a good man who needs to be bitch slapped every once in a while to be straightened out.. no buns intended.
    #21     Apr 17, 2006
  2. Man, the big companies do what everyone else does. It's easy to attack the big faceless companies but I'm sure there are tons of small mom and pop shops that use illegal immigrants. It's a problem that everyone seems to have a hand in.

    NAFTA was supposed to help and Mexico's GDP is like 5 times bigger than it was pre NAFTA but it hasn't been able to keep up with the population boom. So is that NAFTA's fault? Is it a social problem? Who the hell knows. But there is a problem when so many people migrate illegally into a neighboring country.

    So what is your position? Solution? Keep letting anyone who can get in illegally stay? Jesus, what if there's a huge migration from India and China? This country would overnight become theirs. Is this what you want????

    #22     Apr 17, 2006
  3. you see what i mean when i talk about idiocy? and people get charged up when tell it as it is.
    yeas pabst, them damn immigrants are the cause of your starvation..not the big thieves who are starving your kids while convincing you that the cause of your downfall is them chickos as opposed to the white collar thieves.
    #23     Apr 17, 2006
  4. [​IMG]
    #24     Apr 17, 2006
  5. thank god someone is asking that question! what is my solution? do you really want to know?
    an european union type of a deal. after the collapse of the soviet union, the rich european states HAD to welcome all of the newly, yet bankrupt states (romania, hungary, bulgaria, estonia, lithuania, latvia and others) into their fold. the result was the benefit of everyone. cheap labor, innovations, raw material and geographical size.
    and just before you go 'ahuh, i got the wetback', if you think of proposing NAFTA is achieving that, i'll tell you to shove it up your arse.
    you are refusing to accept the european union example cause you want to have the cake and eat it too. does not work amigo. your corporation which elected your leadership to IMPOSE NAFTA destroyed my farm and now i am in your back yard. your corporations which elected your leadership to IMPOSE NAFTA imposed Tariffs on me while heavily subsidizing your Tyson corporation to sell their plastic chicken at the fraction of the price that it will cost me to raise a real chicken.
    #25     Apr 17, 2006

  6. Well at least you're talking like a person now.

    I thought NAFTA was supposed to reduce and remove tarriffs? How can they increase?

    Your argument is basically the traditional arguments against globalization. You know the people that chant and protest at every WTO meeting and blame the WTO for every problem in the developing world?

    So it's NAFTA's fault eh? It's not the corrupt as heck Mexican government's fault, oh no. They're just victims right? That's why foreign investment is just pouring into Mexico. And it's US's fault that there is over population in Mexico?

    And the evil US corporations destroying culture all over the world. Yeah right.... man, it's called a freakin natural development process. People, things, tend to grow and develop. Technology and innovations are things that lead to globalization. Things become more efficient.

    You can't expect people to slow down just because you can't keep up. It's a problem, yes, when one group advances so fast and other groups can not keep up. The value of the other group goes down and they suffer. So instead of having slums inside one country you have slums as countries.

    If people in one country decided, yes we will just be farmers and live in peace. That would be great. Is that reality? Hell no. One of the farmers will want a gas powered tractor so he can produce "more". Then he can sell cheaper than the other farmers. The other farms will need to upgrade or they'll be left behind. So some do compete and others quit and become mechanics to fix the tractors, they start specializing. So on and so forth. Other's they just can't get their act together (for one reason or another) and are left behind.

    This is the core problem, no being able to keep up. By organizing a government that works for the people. It's not the fault of big corporations, WTO, NAFTA BS.

    This shit has been going on for thousands of years, it's just now it's accelerated at lightening speed.
    #26     Apr 17, 2006
  7. #27     Apr 17, 2006
  8. R U Serious??????????? You read this crap and think it's the truth or something?

    Ummm, ok... you're free to do as you please.

    But thanks for the link, it's entertaining to read all the colorful stuff on that site.

    #28     Apr 17, 2006
  9. how sad. how very very sad. a society that has a majority of its people conditioned into absorbing whatever fox news feeds into it and discount any organization that exposes its corrupt public figures. even if such organization happened to be a very reputable organization.

    did they lie about your rumsfled owning a stake in gilad which manufactures the tammy flu drug?
    did they lie about tyson's the sales increase by 40% even though the overall global sales dropped by 10%? did they lie about. did they lie about the claim dr. margaret chan of the WHO's director for Pandemic Influenza? or did they lie about the relationship between the clintons, their secretary of agriculture, mike espyand and tyson food? did they lie about? did they lied about tyson's fantasy of penetrating the asian market, conveniently targeted for a smear propaganda campaign that focuses on exaggerating the avian flu, which account to 7 billion heads of poultry?

    tell you what, i suggest you discount such site and focus your attention on your fox news and their car chases.

    #29     Apr 17, 2006
  10. Ricter


    So, what's the first falsehood or spin you spotted in that article?
    #30     Apr 17, 2006