Dear Larry KudLow... Goldilocks Has Been Raped

Discussion in 'Economics' started by EdgeHunter, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. Kudlow is a wanker beyond reproach.

    When everyone gets a nice big tax hike in '08, it'll because the neo-Repubs scared the middle class shitless when it comes to job security (or lack thereof), and because our manufacturing base has been decimated (and because technology transfers were given to China et al as the price of admission to do business there).

    Watch the Democratic tsunami pummel the Repubs in '08, and thank people just like the asswipe Kudlow for it.

    Then again, can the Democrats possibly be more inept than the last 7 years of the Bush Administration?

    The GOP is in complete meltdown mode, and they have abandoned all of their bedrock principles of small government and free markets COMPLETELY.

    They spend money like drunken sailors and wouldn't know a balanced budget if it whacked them in the nuts.

    Oh yeah - almost forgot - RON PAUL '08!!!
    #11     Nov 8, 2007
  2. Guys,

    Kudlow gets PAID to have a permabull stance no matter what. He is very popular for this and gets good ratings.

    The guy was a bull throughout the ENTIRE tech implosion. Imagine how many people lost millions because of this guy (my aunt for one).

    He's not an idiot. Its just his job to spout this shit. I doubt he believes all the crap he says.
    #12     Nov 8, 2007
  3. S2007S


    kudlow is always bullish, pathetic, he still believes in a goldilocks economy. He should wake up from that dream and realize that this isnt a goldilocks economy.
    #13     Nov 8, 2007
  4. Um um the spooz doesn't obey technicals. it is driven by fundamentals such as earnings, growth, and profits.
    #14     Nov 8, 2007
  5. #15     Nov 8, 2007
  6. #16     Nov 10, 2007