"Dear God Hillary Clinton, Please Just Go"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. As discussed, ad naseum, just when you think you nailed that fly...guess what...BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!

    Also as discussed, step number one for all dems is to get her the frig out of the way and put down hard before the campaign cycle begins.... good luck wit dat!

    The lead-in line in this article is soooooooooo...........wrong.
    "No one benefits from her latest venture back onto the political scene."

    I think she would make a great candidate and the third time will be a charm given all her experience and the fact that she won the popular vote last time. The country needs her at this time. Please run, please. If not, just stay active and involved. These dems running for office do not have what you have and need your advice and commentary at this difficult time in the country.


  2. wildchild


    We live in a representative democracy in America. Hillary Clinton is a do-nothing freeloader who engages in bizarre conspiracy theories to explain why she lost the election. Two years after her election loss she is still not over it. When you talk to the average crack-pot democrat they share these same exact beliefs. Hillary's beliefs are exactly the same as the democrat base beliefs, so if they want someone who represents them, Hillary should be their person.
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  3. The scary thing is, she would actually be a lot better than pretty much any of the likely democrat nominees.