Dealing with Stress

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by atlTrader666, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. GordonTheGekko

    GordonTheGekko Guest

    The only stress that bothers me is social stress, and that almost always comes from some embarrassing state of affairs or a lie, so I stay away from both.

    Be careful on Facebook.

    1.) Sport bike riding (bust around SW CT during power lunch times)
    2.) Planes
    3.) Be nice to people (gift them iTunes songs)
    #31     Oct 23, 2011
  2. zdreg


    that is exactly the way religion operates. 1st they offer you salvation. if u refuse they kill you.
    #32     Oct 23, 2011
  3. he's really scared about the spiritual stuff, no wonder he can't sleep
    #33     Oct 24, 2011
  4. The benefit of spiritual route is to offload all stresses and worries on someone else's shoulder , somebody the almighty.It helps with stress management as stresses are offloaded to the almighty.
    #34     Oct 24, 2011
  5. The problem wth the Almighty is He keeps getting smaller and smaller. When I was a kid during a thunderstorm He use to be up there bowling, now they got a bunch of electrons doing it. Nobody's job is safe anymore.
    #35     Oct 24, 2011
  6. Golddav


    You should start meditating, I am sure that will fix you right up.
    #36     Oct 24, 2011
  7. were cavemen stressd out? I'm sure there was one guy who kept a mental chart counting how many babys were born and how many mastadon they killed and worried that the future doesn't look very bright.
    #37     Oct 24, 2011
  8. GordonTheGekko

    GordonTheGekko Guest

    Hahaha. Excellent point! And don't forget the dutch tulip mania!
    #38     Oct 24, 2011
  9. Eight


    I like to identify the people that are bringing me stress and bully them into submission... watching a jerk do destressing exercises before he comes to talk to me is really satisfying. I had to do that in the corporate world. I figured I could sit around and let jerks raise my bp or I could insult and threaten them and laugh at them when they got mad... meanwhile I was learning all the Martial Arts I could absorb just in case one of the cubicle-pissing-contest-bastard warriors actually wanted to go at it...

    Stress and muscle tension are related, they feed off each other and cause a feedback cycle. Going to meditation to reduce muscle tension is stupid. Just tense and relax every muscle in your body. Start at the toes, work up to the eyes and scalp.. not too tight, just enough, just a few wiggles of the toes for example.. after you do that for the whole body the thoughts will have subsided substantially..

    Learning not to react to people's games can make an overwhelming difference in life. Galpals TV broke so the other night I read a book out loud for both of us. It was about codependency, not my problem a lot but it pointed up how we react to shitty people and it doesn't serve our purposes.. so I woke up the next morning minus a shitpotload of reactions to people around me and I found I was motivated to get back to working on all the things that benefit me.. People load up our minds with boogey men essentially and we can dismantle the whole thing with great ease anytime we learn how...
    #39     Oct 24, 2011
  10. Exercise and meditation. Exercise works best, cardio specific. Work out hard enough and you will get the runner's high.
    #40     Oct 24, 2011