DD-YM-Trader: A YM Trader Speaks

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Duref Mudgins, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. ProfLogic, you are on my list. I think that at least one-third of ET would be thrilled to see you interviewed, as you, 'Surfer, and Jack are the reigning triumvirate of ET! (If there were only two of you, it would be a Diumvirate, or D'umvirate for short.) Plus my porbability of interviewing Jack is -3.0, optimistically. And if I interview you, 'Surfer will insist on equal time.
    #31     Sep 8, 2007
  2. Rcanfiel, will you stop and think? Do you want to be right or do you want to get what you want? I hope that what you want to get is to be rich. And as a trader, how can you get rich unless everybody you trade against is stupid?

    So PROMOTE Proffy! EXTOLE Proffy! PRAISE Proffy! AGREE WITH Proffy! REFER NEWBIES to Proffy! FADE Proffy!

    Please excuse my outburst, DD-YM, but you are snug in the bosom of your loving family, so I thought no harm would be done.
    #32     Sep 8, 2007
  3. DD-YM, would you please remind me to start a science friction (pun distended) thread later? Also an "I Dream of Trading" thread? I have bizarre psycho-socio-sexual-science-forictional trading dreams that I am sure you would appreciate.

    This is no joke. Last night I dreamt that I was the intergalactic foreign minister of a major galactic empire. I was green. Not my ecology, my color. I achieved my Emperor's megalomanic objectives by threatening, cajoling, blackmailing, and seducing (if anatomically possible) the foreign ministers of lesser powers. But given the difficulties of communicating over stellar distances reliably, do you know how I messaged them? Using ET! ("If you do not cede to us the Lower Pudendal System, we will be forced to annex them and fuck you up all three of your chitinous insectoid asses!") Again, no joke, a real dream!
    #33     Sep 8, 2007
  4. my general trading approach involves waking up in the morning, taking my supplements

    let me give you all an edge

    take omega 3 supplements and you will be more competitive

    now where were we, ah yes the trading approach

    well why don't we skip the mumbo jumbo and just define right now the nature of price movement

    what is trend, trend is from A to B (a to b is completely dependant on person defining a and b)

    continuation of the trend is B to C

    and counter trend would be from B to A

    so simple so final, succinct and to the point.

    my dear Duref there isn't need for continuation of this interview now

    I just gave out my EDGE :eek: :D
    #34     Sep 8, 2007
  5. Hmmm...... Let me see ......puff.....puff (smoking a pipe)

    those dreams are erectional in nature are they not.............well consider yourself lucky


    #35     Sep 8, 2007
  6. DD-YM, do mean to tell me that the sucret of your excess is a 100% Liberace retracement? As in a test of the LOD/HOD, par exemple? If so, I am disappointed in you! You old fraud!

    If you are a real sci-fry fan, you will recognize the term "Ningyo".

    And it did not escape my inattention that you dodged my request of you to define "risk". I myself, simpleton that I am, trade your system almost every day, sometimes even twicet, and can assert with uncertainty that the risk is three ticks cumulative (assuming you can cumulative three times, which even at my age I still can). I trade one tick above the 100% Liberace retracement, the full Liberace retracement, and one tick past the retracement. If none of the three work, you can damned well be sure that you were wrong and trade cuntinuation.
    #36     Sep 8, 2007
  7. LOL :D

    actually the truth is, I am 26, I work in a vitamin store, I trade with IB, all I have is 10 k, I live with my mother, I have no girlfriend, I drive HER car

    :D :D :D :D

    the beauty of ET is

    #37     Sep 8, 2007
  8. seriously though hypo

    don't let all this bullshit just be wasted, I did mean what I said about Omega 3 fish oil

    it really will help in many ways, even a man your age
    #38     Sep 8, 2007
  9. screw this off I go buying two footlong sandwiches in subway

    are you glad ETers that this master trader doesn't really exist, your average incompetence is NOT threatened anymore


    maybe he does exist,


    maybe he is IN THE MAKING

    hmmm..........so many possibilities

    take care I love you all :D
    #39     Sep 8, 2007
  10. MODS I am done

    you can ban me now

    this will be my 20th ban


    no wait

    #40     Sep 8, 2007