Daytrading University DVDs

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by cgrey2, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. cgrey2


    Has anyone watched the series of DVDs put out by Ken Calhoun and Steve Nison? There have two separate programs, one a 7 and the other a 14 DVD set, both kind of pricey. I've read Steve Nison's 2 Candlestick books, and have a high opinion of him, but there is so much marketing material on the website for these DVD sets, which makes me wonder. And I haven't found much on Ken Calhoun, other than what is on his website.

    If you've seen the videos and can comment on their usefulness of their ideas and clarity of presentation, I'd appreciate it. For context, I have a collection of about 20 trading books, including many of the typical ones a learning trader would have: Elder, Van Tharp, John Carter, Market Wizards, etc., and I am slowly working my way through them. But I also know my learning style is better suited to watching a presentation or demonstration rather than reading. Thanks in advance.