Did anyone make it to the expo? I wanted to get some general feedback. I guess there is another one coming next Feb in New York, which I would like to attend. If anyone did go, did you talk to anyone at Tradescape? I really want to find out when they are going to be available for trading.
The owner of Tradescape and I have been exchanging emails and voice mail messages recently but our schedules have not aligned so we could have a meaningful conversation. I hope to have a real chat with him sometime this week. He seems to be really busy. If I talk to him, I'll be sure to ask him when trading capabilities will be available. Baron
I attended the expo and liked some parts and disliked other parts. First of all if you are an intermediate to advanced daytrader there will not be ANY new info for you to learn. The classes were all for newbies, and I ended up walking out of more than half of them. The good part of the expo was meeting other traders and talking about strategies, winners/losers etc. I will not be going to the NY expo because it will probably not be any different.
I heard the same info, Dustin. I also heard it was alot of RealTick vendors. Anyone see or hear of any firms offering trading on Island until 8:00PM? I know that Sutton will start next monday. Ibiza
I talked with the founder of the daytrading expo and he said the one in new york would be mid february. Also, he said it will be called "online trading expo" instead of day trading expo because they want to attract exhibitors like E*Trade, Datek, and other browser based brokers that previously did not want to participate in the day trading expo because of the recent negative press surrounding day trading. Baron