Daytrading Documentary

Discussion in 'Trading' started by topguntrader, Nov 1, 2001.

  1. Check this video I came across watching the cable TV (A & E channel) one Saturday...real life stories of daytraders..One making 5-10k a day and anthother one losing it all/townhome and 400k. Can get this tape at AandE site. pretty cool. here is link
  2. Link doesn't work...
  3. tymjr


  4. thomas


    I watched it a few weeks ago on cable. Yeah, there was this lady who blew her account and her townhouse before quitting. And then there's this milkman who decided to become a day trader, saying he doesn't want do hard work anymore. I wonder how he turned out. Then there's this guy Matt Abramowitz who seemed to be doing pretty good. I wonder which firm he's at? Worldco by any chance? One reporter said that day traders are like maggots (in a good way). Personally, I prefer vultures. :)
  5. I read in Active Trader that there should be a documentary about futures trading today on PBS:" Open Outcry". I checked my local TV guide (I have Digital TV) because I wanted to watch it but I just can' t find it.
  6. OPEN OUTCRY, An Inside Look at the Pressure-Cooker World of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, To Be Broadcast on PBS Beginning Friday, November 2 at 10 p.m.
    SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 8, 2001--Emmy Award-winning director Jon Else's new documentary film, OPEN OUTCRY, focuses on the high-speed, high-powered trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
    The film reveals the ``Merc'' to be not only a pressure-cooker workplace, but a self-contained culture, with its own costume, means of communication (``open outcry''), rhythms, values and code of conduct. The first documentary film to be granted full access to the energy, tension, and controlled chaos of the Chicago Mercantile, OPEN OUTCRY will be broadcast on PBS stations beginning Friday, Nov. 2 at 10 p.m. (check local listings).

    Filmed entirely on location of the trading floor of the ``Merc,'' OPEN OUTCRY explores the customs, language and behavior of those who work in this rollercoaster environment. In the process, the show paints a compelling picture of sudden wealth, sudden disaster, and grace under pressure as traders exchange billions of dollars in futures contracts -- for cattle, pork bellies, Eurodollars, and options on the NASDAQ futures.

    The film explores the minute-to-minute work of traders and clerks who can earn $500,000 a year by their mid-twenties, who handle $20,000,000 every day yet whose work is strangely unhinged from real goods and real services in the real world. They are, by birth and temperament, working class alley fighters in an Ivy League world, fiercely independent and competitive, yet they operate under an astonishing self-enforced code of ethics that would be the envy of moral philosophers the world over.

    OPEN OUTCRY is also a portrait of an endangered environment, since the digital revolution has eliminated the open outcry system of trading at many of the world's financial exchanges.

    OPEN OUTCRY is presented by Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) in association with the Independent Television Service (ITVS), which this year celebrates 10 years of public television for a change. Funders and presenters of independent programming for broadcast on public television, ITVS was saluted this year with retrospectives at film festivals and museums including The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Walker Arts Center in Minneapolis and the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.

    For further information, screening cassettes and interview opportunities, contact those listed above, or visit
  7. tom_p


    I missed the broadcast. Matt is at Broadway Trading.
  8. This program is not listed in Friday's TV Guide. But that doesn't
    mean it will not be shown. Sometimes TV Guide and PBS don't
    quite get it right... :(