Day trading article on anti-gambling website

Discussion in 'Trading' started by IronFist, May 6, 2008.

  1. Mercor


    #11     May 7, 2008
  2. The financial market is like poker in some way.

    For example:
    1) Dealer always win. Regardless who win, they take in their fee
    2) Even with the best set up, you can still lose. Because anything can happen.
    3) Unless you go all in, you can always cut your losses short.
    #12     May 7, 2008
  3. You waste my time.

    1) Everything = gambling if you do it without a defined edge.

    2) The inverse is true.

    Anyone that doesnt know this is an anus
    #13     May 7, 2008
  4. Imo, the draw back to the casino. You walk in with whatever amount, say $300, $5000 or $100k, the amount doesn't matter, the attitude does.

    I've got $300 and when I lose I'm going home. Clearly a defined exit strategy (complete loss). No one enters a casino with an exit strategy on when to take your profit and go home.

    If you walked into a casino with $300 and your intention is to double your money. Suppose you doubled your money on your first bet. Does the average person take their double and go home after 5 minutes? No.

    If you go to the horse track. You bet $300 to win. You either win or lose, no do overs.

    Place your $300 long on an equity. You have the opportunity to cut your losses if you stock isn't "winning" (round the last turn, horse breaks) you can cash in your ticket and get back most of your wager.

    If you confuse your "gambling" money in the market with your investment money, it happens.
    #14     May 7, 2008