Day traders: How often do you do nothing all day?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Raul641, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. Raul641


    If your signals just aren't coming together, better to sit out than to take a weak trade just for the sake of trading.

    How often does this happen to you, if ever? What's the longest run of zero-trade days you've seen?
  2. Buy1Sell2


    Day trading is a losing expectation game. I recommend not daytrading and then you won't have this situation.
  3. gimp570


    Dont trade when there is nothing to trade....Better to get out and go fishing....and have a few beers

    In the long run it will be much cheaper.....
  4. <i>"Day trading is a losing expectation game. I recommend not daytrading and then you won't have this situation."</i>

    Too funny :p
  5. It seems that you have become quite the authority in these here parts, what with your unequivocal pronouncements and all.
  6. Very often if I am up a certain amount. I am taking a break now and posting on ET.

    If I am down I will be trading the whole day trying to come back. I will be staring at the screen watching every tick looking for trades. This often leads to bigger losses.
  7. socalpt


    There's a bull market everyday, one example is to look for a good stock with big down on previous days. Chances are good that it's going to go up.
  8. you can make money in the markets... there are many days where we will scratch or break even. and then there are those days where things just seem to go our way. it's those days that you gun it (if you're on the right side of course) and make your mint.

    it's not impossible, just too many people trying to take shortcuts and 'get rich quick'. have some damn patience!
    #10     Oct 19, 2006