Davos....An Exercise In Futilty....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/No-answer-at-Davos-forum-to-apf-14217481.html

    Everyone wants to avoid the "simple mathmatics of loss" truths by not wanting to believe what has actually happened....

    The bottomline universal ending concept ?.....Solve insolvency with more debt....Let's dig the hole even deeper....


    Each country has the solution....but does not have the leadership to see or enact it....

    10% consumption tax....

    This will not end up being a small tax....in that the current progressive systems in place will see their revenues cut by more than 70%....and although a 10% consumption tax would be smaller than the previous tax take....it would be larger than the current and future progressive tax take....

    And most importantly....establish a fair and progressive base from which to work....

    The current suggestions including bad bank good bank etc.... are just further exercises in futility and are demeaning and wrong to those who acted prudently and intelligently....

    One cannot move forward trying to resolve a > $30 Trillion issue with a badly designed means of replacement which does not have the capability to do so....

    Utter and complete mathmatical idiocy....

    Just what is $4T/>$30T ? A fractional and flawed means to nowhere....

    Make no mistake....
  2. Daal


    Peter thiel is right, there is a bubble in government. everybody thinks they can solve all these problems the crisis is generating even though their track record is downright dismall