Dave Portnoy

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by futuristictrader3467, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. I'm sure most of you have heard the name Dave Portnoy to some degree. He has been on the news a lot recently and seems to be the leader of the everyday trader. He recently came out with his own ETF called $Buzz. So far the fund hasn't been doing too well and I have my doubts in regards to Dave's financial savviness. What are your guys thoughts/opinions on this?
  2. Overnight


    He's high to think that a social media buzzword scouring algo is going to work for long. The Meme thing is going to go away soon, once all the trading kiddies get back out into the fresh air this year.

  3. does he willing to trading in China financial market.
  4. Cuddles


    loud clown on twitter. There's better clowns on ET if you need to follow a clown.

  5. engrish pwese..
  6. VicBee


    Did you not understand him?
  7. JSOP


    IamTheCasino and DiceAreCast like this.
  8. SteveM


    There is something particularly despicable about financial promoters who pretend to be populists/"representing the little people" against the "suits" while simultaneously grifting from the "little people" via promoting their own investment products.
    VicBee, Relentless and DiceAreCast like this.
  9. JSOP


    Just another fund seller/promoter trying to get more people to donate to his funds. "Representing the little people" is just another angle that's all. It seems to be a popular one right now with Roaring Kitty and GME and all. Nothing special about him.
    SteveM and DiceAreCast like this.
  10. Don't have such a thin skin, mate. It was pathetic English, so, a joke was in order.

    #10     Mar 11, 2021
    IamTheCasino and JSOP like this.