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Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Brandonf, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. Trend Following

    Trend Following Sponsor

    Agree. Individual is responsible at end of the day. But there is no doubt that they had their point of view framed by government, media and Wall Street.
    #11     Mar 22, 2009
  2. jprad


    I disagree for the same reason that entrapment is illegal.

    The dipsticks in Washington are the ones that should, but will never hang for creating this horror show...
    #12     Mar 22, 2009
  3. I agree that individuals are partially to blame, but so are the mortgage factories and financial firms, and right now and into the future, all your asses are paying AIG, Goldman, Bank of American, ShittyGroup, Wells Fargo, etc. salaries and bonuses - for years to come.

    These firms all would've failed without you, due to their own recklessness, stupidity and greed - so Paulson and his buddies spank you very much.
    #13     Mar 22, 2009
  4. whats really sad is that this was all going on in plain view. I could care less about the mortgage market and I knew it was being gamed just from the stink wafting up from the ground.

    The real problem is we have no will to keep greed and corruption in check.

    Thats the simple truth of it. They send you to college and when you come out you think you need a 500 page book on what happened to explain it.

    Any street mug can tell you it was just a bunch of hustlers scamming the crowd.

    If we are not prepared to say directly to the offenders, knock it off, or we break both your legs and leave you on rollers, then we deserve what we get.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

    Bring back public Hanging.
    #14     Mar 22, 2009
  5. You can also blame the Oprahs [​IMG] of the world telling every illiterate moron THEY are owed the American Dream.
    #15     Mar 22, 2009
  6. 100% of the blame in this crisis goes to Wall St\Various Financial institutions. They were the "sophisticated" parties. If you give a 500,000 mortgage to a bum, and then are shocked the bum can't pay it is your own fault. Wall St securitized that crap and sold it to investors but in addition sold insurance on that crap to the tune of trillions. All the bums in the world could not inflict as much damage as trillions in CDS and CDOs.
    #16     Mar 22, 2009
  7. The deadbeats weren't entrapped... you're just an idiot with zero sense of personal responsibility.
    #17     Mar 22, 2009
  8. It's a sign of the times of no personal responsibility when pathetic losers like you argue that people who are able to enter into legally binding contracts can't even figure out how much they can afford to pay each month.
    #18     Mar 22, 2009
  9. You got it!

    #19     Mar 22, 2009
  10. jprad


    Spoken like a true populist twit lacking an ounce of common sense.

    You and your ilk are a politician's wet dream...
    #20     Mar 22, 2009