‘Dark Pools’ Draw More Trading Amid Low Volatility

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ETJ, May 3, 2019.

  1. ETJ


  2. So the conspiracy might be true, that retail traders get to view prediscussed prices only. What happens in the DP stays in the DP. Man am I glad not to have gone the daytrading path.
  3. maxinger


    The way I see, we should focus on
    those stocks that have high liquidity,
    and be competent in technical analysis.

    We shouldn't bother about dark pools or black pools or market manipulation or
    such scarely reports.
    If we can't profit from the market, it is due to our limitation.

    Even if the pools and market manipulators are destroyed, it doesn't mean
    profiting from trading will be very easy.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
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