Dangerous trends in Occupy Wall Street (OWS)

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by wilburbear, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. 1)Stop paying all student loans (or credit card debt, etc.), all together, beginning on a common date. Then, use the web to report those who ARE paying their debt, so that the rest of the community can encourage them not to pay their debt, as this would better serve the whole.

    Legal commentators have suggested very low thresholds of non-payment to swamp the courts. Before the internet, there was no tool for those in debt to "gather" in this way - and then actively discourage members of their group from "collaborating" with financial lenders.

    2)Disruption of the police from within. Protesters have actually been following police, calmly asking them to "switch sides", or worse yet, providing methods to leak police documents.

    3)Calls for a new Constitutional Convention (currently planned for Philadelphia on July 4, 2012), or other calls for an alternate seat of government, which, of course, will exist "for just a little while."

    4)Anonymous, and other hacker groups, have now joined the fray on the side of OWS. Anonymous claims internal docs for the Koch brothers and News Corp., among others.
  2. This is the natural evolution of service oriented economies. Manufacturing has to be evenly distributed around the world or tariffs must be imposed in proportion to industrial output to support those who have lost their jobs. China produces a lot of durable goods but buys very little services from service oriented economies like the US. Other countries that relied on services, like Portugal and Greece, which relied on tourism, have been driven to default because there is not enough (GDP growth) from that to cover the loses from doing away with their manufacturing industries.

    The end of globalization is near. You must manufacture most of what you use or die...
  3. wartrace


    The democrats will use these people as "useful idiots" to retain power just as the republicans used the "useful idiots" of the Tea party.
  4. Anybody else see concerns with OWS, and some of their tactics?
  5. Please, if you take into account, Just NYC alone, the population of 18-50, just in Manhattan lets say. Then you take into account how many 1000, 2000, 3000 people are protesting. It's like .000000000000001% of the NYC population.

    A fucking joke. And the Media, ass clowns, etall, think this a movement. It's a cluster fuck of Socialist, Liberals, Anarchist for the most part.

    Then take into account the Population in EMU, ASIA and the US and then compare that to the 10000s who are protesting......nothing but a fly on a bulls ass.

    This is no movement.

    OWS is not only a fucking joke, it's gona get violent. 99%ers my arse....more like .0000000000000000001% ers.
  6. trendy


    Hmmm, yeah and it only took a couple hundred colonists dumping tea in Boston Harbor to ignite a revolution. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.
  7. 4.5)Leaked documents held for release until worst moment possible for a vulnerable company.

    5)Taking deposits out of targeted banks. Using method given in "1" above, whereby those who DO continue to use the bank are targeted on the internet.

    6)Protestors using option to clog the legal system assisted by the National Lawyers Guild. While the "clog" method is used now for civil disobedience cases, it could migrate to the financial sphere.
  8. GordonTheGekko

    GordonTheGekko Guest

  9. hayman


    This is what I see -- the vast majority appear to be college students or relatively recent college grads. I see all of this as a manifestation of the "College Bubble", similar to other bubbles that we've seen - housing bubbles, stock market bubbles, etc. I forget where on Yahoo I read this (sorry, no references), but the article said that 72 % of High School seniors last year will eventually obtain a 4-year college degree (that seemed a little high to me, but who knows ??).

    My point is that less-than-informed kids (and many of their ill-informed parents) have been sold a bill of goods. They are all told that a College degree is the way to get ahead. And many of these ill-informed believe that the more they spend on a college education, the bigger return upon graduation. Well, nothing could be further than truth, unless you are perhaps an Ivy League grad.

    Now, reality is starting to hit them in the face. Horrible economy, no jobs after graduation. More importantly, mountains of debt racked up in 4 years.

    I'm not poo-poo-ing a college education (I have one, my wife has one, and my 2 oldest kids are in college), but to me, College is the new High School. What I mean is that since everyone is getting a College degree these days, what's the true value, unless you truly distinguish yourself from others with grades, activities, internships, etc.

    Lots of these OWS people thought that paying huge sums of money via loans was an automatic ticket to prosperity upon graduation, and now reality has hit them squarely in the face. I do feel sorry for them in regard to finding jobs, but I can only blame them (and more importantly, their parents) for allowing them to put themselves in debt the way they have. And there is no way in hell, that I want to subsidize the bailout of these poor financial decisions that were made. I do not want to pay for the poor financial decision of others (BTW, for what it's worth, I was never in favor of the bank bailouts either, but that is an entirely separate issue.............).
  10. 1)Stop paying all student loans (or credit card debt, etc.), all together, beginning on a common date. Then, use the web to report those who ARE paying their debt, so that the rest of the community can encourage them not to pay their debt, as this would better serve the whole.

    Legal commentators have suggested very low thresholds of non-payment to swamp the courts. Before the internet, there was no tool for those in debt to "gather" in this way - and then actively discourage members of their group from "collaborating" with financial lenders.

    2)Disruption of the police from within. Protesters have actually been following police, calmly asking them to "switch sides", or worse yet, providing methods to leak police documents.

    3)Calls for a new Constitutional Convention (currently planned for Philadelphia on July 4, 2012), or other calls for an alternate seat of government, which, of course, will exist "for just a little while."

    4)Anonymous, and other hacker groups, have now joined the fray on the side of OWS. Anonymous claims internal docs for the Koch brothers and News Corp., among others.

    4.5)Leaked documents held for release until worst moment possible for a vulnerable company.

    5)Taking deposits out of targeted banks. Using method given in "1" above, whereby those who DO continue to use the bank are targeted on the internet.

    6)Protestors using option to clog the legal system assisted by the National Lawyers Guild. While the "clog" method is used now for civil disobedience cases, it could migrate to the financial sphere.

    7)The protesters own this conversation on the internet. The U.S. government hasn't countered on the internet, where the real plotting is taking place.
    #10     Oct 17, 2011