Discussion in 'Options' started by oldnemesis, Aug 9, 2016.

  1. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/outag...ness-refunds-vouchers-051141609--finance.html


    This is not the first time this has happened to Delta. I just don't understand it. There are available systems to make data centers fail safe at several levels.

    1. RAID redundancy

    2. Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS)

    3. Standby Generators

    Thirty years ago it was, and still is, standard procedure for critical data centers to equip themselves with all three levels of redundancy so that it would take a nuclear attack to down the data center.

    My company, which assigned blinded, randomized drug supplies for clinical trials had a completely redundant data center and we made over two million drug assignments over six years without a single failure.

    What is wrong with Delta??

    The only thing I can think of is they have chosen not to spend the money on redundancy. I guess that's a financial decision. This is the bill for that decision and they won't recover from it soon.

    With DAL at 37.44
    Jan 45/50 bear call spread for a net credit of $54
    Yield = 54/446 = 12.1% in 164 days or 26.9% annualized
    Prob = 82%
    Expectation = .82(54) - .076(446) - .10(223) = 44.28 - 33.89 - 22.3 = -12

    Price.......... Profit / Loss........ ROM %
    28.08............... 54.00.............. 12.10%
    34.69............... 54.00.............. 12.10%
    41.64............... 54.00.............. 12.10%
    45.00............... 54.00.............. 10.80%
    45.54................. 0.00................ 0.00%
    48.59.............. (305.30)........... -61.06%
    50.00.............. (446.00)........... -87.90%
    55.55.............. (446.00)........... -87.90%
    62.50.............. (446.00)........... -87.90%

    Alternate trade
    Jan 50/45 bear put spread for a net debit of $428
    Yield = $72/428 = 16.8% in 164 days or 37.4% annualized

    Price.................... Profit / Loss............ ROI %
    28.08.......................... 72.00................... 16.82%
    34.69.......................... 72.00 ...................16.82%
    41.64.......................... 72.00................... 16.82%
    45.00.......................... 72.00................... 16.82%
    45.72............................ 0.00..................... 0.00%
    48.59........................... (287.30).............. -67.13%
    50.00........................... (428.00)............ -100.00%
    55.55........................... (428.00)............ -100.00%
    62.50........................... (428.00)............ -100.00%

    In the bear call spread you get the cash up front, in the bear put spread you get it at the end. So there may or may not be a margin difference.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  2. vanzandt


    Don't short DAL. At least long term.

    I have no loyalty either way.... but they are a beast. Trust me on this one too. -vz
  3. Delta is now saying that "critical systems and network equipment didn’t switch over to backups. Other systems did. And now we’re seeing instability in these systems."


    So they have the systems in place...they just don't work. This is why such systems are drilled (tested) on a regular basis AND why the data center needs to be over-resourced so that parts of the system can drilled without interrupting operations.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  4. vanzandt


    Flash in the pan. ADHD prevails. Rightfully so.

    Bigger picture here.

    Albeit the way to make a small fortune on Wall Street....

    .....is to start with a large fortune and buy airline stocks.

    Can't argue with the history books I guess.