Daily Dose Of Assurance...

Discussion in 'Economics' started by gnome, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. gnome


    Either NObama, Geithner, or BS Bernanke are on the tube daily... sometimes more than one...

    Smacks more of desperation rather than assuaging the fears of the sheeple...
  2. You beat me to the punch.

    I was just going to state that they're really overworking the whole trying to talk up confidence and the markets spiel.

    It's very transparent and not at all confidence inspiring.

    I wonder if Bernanke is going to go on Conan O'Brien and Geithner on Letterman.
  3. And ....

    It will be SOMEBODY ELSE's job....

    To resolve the additional problems that they are creating....


    Just like any other brokerage salesman....

    They will be long gone when the bill/performance comes due....


    Talk about stupidity ?

    The polis are more angry about $170 million than they are
    $170 billion being wrongly directed.....

    What is clear is their blatantly obvious "public placebo"....


    Nothing is going to be resolved until the political part of the problem (80%) is resolved....


    This "after the house burns down" remedy equation does
    not even merit the word "idiocy"....
  4. gnome


    I doubt we can get rid of the current crop of politicos (and their ilk) UNTIL the house burns down.

    At the '08 election, CONgress' dissaproval rate was 84%, yet we sent 95% of incumbents back to Washington.

    Just goes to show how politically naive and brainwashed "we the sheeple are"....

  5. Political Changes Required....

    The tool....

    Think about it this way....

    What has been the "media" that has won elections ?

    TV....local papers

    What is the TV slowly, but surely becoming ?

    The internet....

    When the media control of the politicos is lost via the internet.....then it will be possible to better position the sheeple to get rid of the "politicos problem" which is better than 80% of economic ills....

    A person pushes one button....sees a menu....pushes a couple more buttons....

    The sheeple media will be less controlled by the two party by advertising system ....

    Is this 2 years out...7 years ? 25 years ?

    But make no mistake....80% of today's problem is because of the polies....

    And its is incredible how a Pelosi, Frank....etc...can be in a public office at all.....

    Hopefully these days are numbered....

    However to Obama's credit he is beginning to use the internet as a "visibility tool"....

    But CRAP made visible is still CRAP....


    What is sorely needed are "quantifiable possible" outcomes to possible policy adoptions....

    However "internet visibility" could go a long way....

    Of course in the third world....the clarity of how one's wealth was obtained or labeled before, during, and after office....is almost never known....

    Just look at how the Clinton's, others have gathered their wealth "after office"....

    If one is in public office....they should be in public view....