Cygnus E Transactions (CYGT) and Sykes/Cilantro Demise

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by BrightPropGuy, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. Yeah, I tried to short him...but he was halted pending de-listing! :D
    #11     Sep 6, 2007

  2. Of course not, but he (Cramer) has a following among the masses who have money to burn and delusions of making a fortune based on other people's analisys. Timmy could do the same for guys who are in the same bracket age as he is. There is plenty of dumb money around and if he could make it entertaining, this could help some college kids and 20 something to jump ino the market. I already see youngsters maxing out their credit cards to open an account and start making those millions and buy "cribs" and ferraris that go along with that kind of $$$$$.
    #12     Sep 6, 2007
  3. Tim, we do not hate you; but you ought to get back on the psychiatric medications....

    #13     Sep 13, 2007
  4. When I read some of these attacks on Timmay it makes me wonder if any of you schmucks ever lost money on a trade? Ever had a position blow up on you?

    Now I realize, that as far as traders go, there are alot of better traders then me on here, however, I'm still pretty good, and pretty consistent, and profitable, yet, FnmFre took 1/2 of my account on a blow up a few years ago, an event that took 6 months to get my stride back and return to great profitability numbers. Does that make me a bad trader, does that loss mean that i have nothing of value to add? I don't think was a learning experience, a trial of fire, and in the end I became a better trader because of it. See, when things are going well, you are really not learning anything new, it's only your losers that force you to learn, adapt, and overcome.

    The fact is, we can learn something from every great trader on here, or anywhere else. You want to be great, look to learn from the best. I think you'd be a fool to think that you couldn't learn something of value about trading from a guy who has made alot of money trading. One idea, one tip, one strategy, one new distinction will pay the cost of the book a 100 times over!
    #14     Sep 13, 2007
  5. penny stocks are like multilevel marketing imo
    #15     Sep 13, 2007

  6. hey wheres the dancing fat use to post.
    #16     Sep 13, 2007
  7. Exactly! If people aren't willing to spend $20 on the possibility that my story might help or entertain them just a little, then they shouldn't be trading. Check out the finance library on my site, I've read over 300 books and yet none of them detailed any situation like the one I found myself in. Hopefully my gains will inspire traders and my losses will teach them to remain cautious and cynical at all times.

    Thank you for the quality post
    #17     Sep 13, 2007
  8. 2006


    Makin a lot of money does not make you a good trader !

    I turned 5-10K into 900K (2003-2004), the truth is I was lucky and actually a bad trader, with time the fact that I was not good trader showed up on the balance sheet, as it has with him.

    This schmuck is not a real trader -- he is fucking around trading micro caps and losing his ass at it. He is a marketing schmuck.

    Nothing more -- Nothing less.

    #18     Sep 13, 2007
  9. Heck. I'll be the first to admit I'm not a good trader. That is, if a good trader is someone with an innate market "feel". I got nuttin'.

    But I can come up with some decent systems and trade those suckers. Everytime I try to beat 'em with "feel", I lose my ass. But when the chips are down I follow my systems and do fine.

    But Timmay is in the "Vendor Class". He is held to a higher standard. Could I learn from a not-good trader? Sure, but I'd have more faith in a great trader with a LONG history of success. Survivorship bias? Could be. But at least it's sumptin'...

    Good trading to all! :cool:
    #19     Sep 13, 2007
  10. I don't think I'm a great trader, but I'm definitely a good trader--as proven by 8 very profitable years. Even though everyone on ET is a 'master trader', surprisingly, nobody is willing to prove it with any audited track record. I am.

    I will tell you though that I think I'll be a better teacher and the reason for that is I know what it takes to win, but I also know what it takes to lose. If you make money every year and never experience losses, you're missing out---losses are key to long-term success because they complete your education.

    PS Haters, stop with the demise crap, I'm only 1/3 off my highs, a whole lot wiser than when I'd never had any losses, and most importantly, still in the game.
    #20     Sep 13, 2007