Cut everyone's pay 10% to create new jobs?....won't work.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by southbeach4me, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. If we throw out the illegals, who work for low wages, prices will go up for a lot of goods and services.

    We don't need to hire 300,000 people to guard the border; we can just build a huge wall with barbed wire across the whole border.

    If we reduce unemployment back down to 6 months, people who don't find a job after 6 months, will just go on welfare, food stamps, and medicaid, so that will cost money as well.
    #11     Aug 18, 2010
  2. If you reduce pay, you can offer customers lower prices on your goods and services, thereby increasing demand.
    #12     Aug 18, 2010