"Cultural Diversity"... just a euphemism for "socialistic tit-sucking"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Scataphagos, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. Lots of examples of poor people trying to establish a cultural center in a wealthier area/country... mostly to tit-suck on the wealth.

    Where do we see wealthy from any nation trying to establish a "diverse community" in a poor country?

    "Cultural Diversity"... just more STUPIDLY Liberal BS.

    :mad: :mad:
  2. 377OHMS


    Cultural Diversity as a concept is unravelling really fast.

    There was an assumption that new cultures would assimilate, maybe not completely but at least partially. Muslims broke that paradigm by refusing to assimilate at all, demanding their women wear the full head-scarf thingie and trying to push sharia law onto the cultures the were supposed to become part of. They won't play nice.
  3. "Cultural diversity" is simply another way of saying that the native culture ought to be replaced, in part or in whole, by cultures native to other peoples or places.

    It's not the case that advocates of "cultural diversity" hoped that immigrants would assimilate. In fact, the notion of "cultural diversity" is defined by immigrants retaining their old cultures to some significant degree. It's funny how these advocates of "cultural diversity" only call upon white, western nations to practice this "cultural diversity".

    Advocates of racial or ethnic diversity claim that so long as the immigrants embrace the culture of their new nation of residence. However, 350 years of African history in America say otherwise. Advocates of cultural diversity, on the other hand, say that not only should we embrace racial diversity, but we should encourage them to retain their original culture too, because it will "enrich" us.
  4. Mostly it will enrich "them"... as they tit-suck the wealthier social system of the land to which they've emigrated.