Crypto is dead. Until it gets regulated.

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by KCalhoun, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. KCalhoun


    Without regulation, it's not safe. But it doesn't want to be regulated, its anonymity is its appeal. Hence the conundrum.

    With the negative recent events I dont see institutional investors going back in, it's too dangerous.

    It'll languish, just for the criminals and hobbyists that like it. Game over.
    albion, birdman, NoVoodooHere and 3 others like this.
  2. A very sober assessment.
    I agree.

    I saw Carl Icahn interviewed on Crypto.
    He just said "I don't understand it".
    That was the understatement from an MVP pro.
    murray t turtle and spy like this.
  3. tango29


    Interesting take on how to regulate it by Todd Baker in Wall street Journal today. He argues it should be regulated like gambling. Take it out of the possibility of having to be rescued by the tax payer if it fails.


    imo the biggest problem with crypto relative to say the dollar is what supposedly makes it
    interesting, no central control. the problem is its hard to have trust which
    you have to have with the masses.

    since the common man doesn't understand the code and theory behind mining
    and supposed limited supply and block chain, no one can really trust it.

    but most people do trust that a dollar bill will get you what you want because
    its backed by the "full faith and credit of the us government"

    so if that crumbles then the world is over anyway. so people are cool with that.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  5. Tokenz


    Thanks for the opinion, are you feeling ok? Have a good day buddy!
  6. MKTrader


    I doubt he is. The market is up moderately right now and he piles into leveraged inverse ETFs every day.
    johnarb likes this.
  7. Pekelo


    It is not safe with regulation either:

    1. You can misplace/forget your private keys.
    2. Fraud is still possible.
    3. You can be kidnapped if thought to be a crypto millionaire.
    4. You can accidentally send your money into ether, never to be able to recover it.

    Regulation won't help with any of those...
    albion and murray t turtle like this.
  8. MKTrader


    All those risks (or close variations) can happen with many investments.
  9. Q.E.D.


    Two things are endless, according to Albert Einstein, but I’m not convinced about the universe. The other is human stupidity.
    virtusa likes this.
  10. Cuddles


    Thanks OP, I've never seen this regulation argument and seen crypto's market cap languish to nothing in the 10+ yrs since its inception.
    #10     Dec 20, 2022