Crude high price seems dumb

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by silk, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. ah yes. Epitaphs from another of ET's paper trader

    good luck with your paper profits if you think "roll overs" is a big factor in futures pricing. The term shit-for-brains come to mind.

    At least you correctly identified with my absolute disgust with anything or anyone remotely connected to neo conservatism/ neo commies / corporate socialists. Molten lead poured down the throat is the only way to deal with them.

    #11     Jan 7, 2010
  2. silk


    Amazing, United States production is up enough y/y to replace China growth for this year.

    Just me, but that seems extremely not bullish!!!
    #12     Jan 7, 2010
  3. Ex_d

    Ex_d not underestimate the current energy consumption level of OPEC. Do You think all this flamboyant fountains, swimming pools ans sky scrapers in the middle of the desert are working on the dried camels excriments? As a matter of fact they are not able anymore to control production.
    GS and others fucking "power hoses" DO control the prices. 80$ crude has nothing to do at the moment with OPEC and fundamental factors.
    #13     Jan 11, 2010
  4. Cheese


    You don't know. And you usually don't know.
    #14     Jan 11, 2010
  5. And you've been absolutely CRUSHED playing the short side of equities and commodities given you "perma-bear" views on the US Economy for the last ten months.

    You are without a doubt, the greatest single CONTRARY sentiment indicator on ET. Keep up the "good" work!

    #15     Jan 11, 2010

  6. Actually, you are the single greatest CONTRARY indicator.
    #16     Jan 11, 2010

  7. as long as china is buying and storing or building ghost cities it may last a while longer.
    #17     Jan 15, 2010
  8. Copernicus- I agree. There is no other "China Logic" to explain their irrational behavior other than their propensity to be poor gamblers, unless of course this is just an attempt to rid their economy of dollars and build and buy whatever they can in order to get rid of what they may think is a worthless currency.

    This explains these waves of irrational behavior in commodities - re oil, copper etc.

    The fact that it takes 6 usd to generate 1 usd of growth probably isn't a good sign to the Chinese. Therefore, buying a condo at home which is 5 times overpriced may not be so crazy after all.

    Mind you, anyone trading into these excesses is going to end up in a limit down situation. Caveat Emptier.
    #18     Jan 15, 2010
  9. they will spend 15 usd to generate 1 usd of growth just to keep social unrest from happening. at the moment they can "afford" it but lets see what happens in 10-15 yrs when the transformation to research driven economy isnt going so well and aging population starts becoming a real problem.
    #19     Jan 16, 2010
  10. That is obviously incorrect as the Cartel was stronger in past years, and prices were much lower, for long periods of time, in past years.
    #20     Jan 16, 2010