Critizising other Religions

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by dattaswami, May 14, 2006.

  1. Critizising other Religions

    The Lord is universal but the human beings in the universe differ in their attitudes. The same single Lord adopts a different procedure in a different region and such different procedure appears as a different religion. A few criticize the Lord of other religion. You are criticizing your own Lord of your own religion. The external behavior of the Lord differs due to different internal and external behaviors of the human beings in this universe.

    The external form, dress, language, food habits and culture of human beings differ from one region to the other. Accordingly the external form, dress, food habits, language and culture of the Lord also differ to suit that particular region. The internal Lord and the internal essence of the same Lord is one and the same in His different human incarnations which have come in different regions or religions.

    At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

    Anil Antony
    Universal Spirituality for World Peace