Unfortunately, this terror-based market manipulation is going to happen a lot more. Whether it's a bomb, a power outage, or some other catastrophe, we know there are people motivated to do this now.
Erm...according to a report from that same website, 40 nukes are gonna explode in the USA? http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45203
Remember the proposal for futures based on terrorism events? That was laughed out of town. Now it doesn't seem like a bad idea to have events foretold in financial instruments.
Let's just hope the knee-jerk reaction isn't to eliminate short-selling as a means to thwart terrorists making profits.
What bunk. Don't you people look at market data beyond a couple weeks? Journalists sure don't. The British pound topped out in December, along with the Euro, and has been selling since May.