Credit card companies say pay us this interest rate or lose your card!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by peilthetraveler, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. I have an HSBC credit card that pays a flat 2% on all purchases for the first 25,000 dollars of purchases every year. I dont like those other cards that scam you saying 5% cash back on the first 100 dollars, then .25% cash back on other purchases.

    I got that HSBC card about 4 years ago and for the last year HSBC has been trying to trick me into giving up that 2% by sending me those checks that if i cash them, they get to take away the rate. The checks used to be for 8 dollars, now they are up to about 17 dollars. If they get it to 1,000 dollars, then i may take it.
    #11     Jun 1, 2009