creating a system for a particualr stock?

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by mdl060374, Oct 15, 2003.

  1. Is it common to create a tech. system that works for a specific tike of stock?
    for example, we all know that NASDAQ trades diff than listed, and diff. nasdaq stocsk correlate more with the SPU's than others, stocsk have diff. spreads, etc...

    Taking into account all the characteristics that determine how stocks differentiate in trading, has anyone ever picked a stock or group of stocks, and "created" a system that works around their daily trading habits, by studying the stock first, and moving on from there..
  2. i don't have any systems for stocks, although i have an idea for one that i'd like to create. i could see this system not being profitable on all stocks, but it should absolutely be profitable on most stocks. any system that you create should be based on some market principle, so it should be common to all stocks.
  3. I tried a system with the rydex funds. I curve fit a two line moving average using big charts for each fund that went back a year with out a single false signal. It didn't work.

  4. I am assumming you mean an indicator or the SPU'S?

    THis is what I basically did, I havent really had the chance to test it yet, but eyeballing it, it looks pretty good. (Dont they all in theory :p )

    I looked at a nasdaq stock and messed around with a combination of Mov. Avg's and diff. time frames, using 2-3 charts for confirmation. I then used an indicator and studied how prices acted relative to the indicator, for buy entry/exit signals..

    Again, I havent actually used it, I eyeballed it for 5 days back and it looks like it works well....
  5. how is that possible? a year? I can see a few days, weeks, months.. It seems like it would have at least worked for a while..

    unless that "swooooshing" sound was your sarcasm going over my head.....
  6. No I was serious. Try it for yourself.
  7. T-REX


    10-15-03 07:03 PM
    creating a system for a particualr stock?
    Is it common to create a tech. system that works for a specific tike of stock?
    for example, we all know that NASDAQ trades diff than listed, and diff. nasdaq stocsk correlate more with the SPU's than others, stocsk have diff. spreads, etc...

    Taking into account all the characteristics that determine how stocks differentiate in trading, has anyone ever picked a stock or group of stocks, and "created" a system that works around their daily trading habits, by studying the stock first, and moving on from there..

    I know of one but it will take a VERY open mind to trade.

    It is NOT conventional but rather VERY UNORTHODOX!

    It is a system I created for a client back when I was a Futures Broker. This particular client Loved to trade "SOYBEANS" & "LEAN HOGS".

    If you are serious and would like to learn more about this I will gladly explain it to you............for "FREE" ofcourse.:D

    It would be my pleasure.
  8. futures trading. See Babcock, and Katz and McCormick.