Crazy bachelor party--

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by riddler, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. riddler


    My buddy, whom a few of you probably know since this just recently happened and there were over 25 guys at his party in nyc.
    He was crazy wasted , drunk, coke, and a molly... we brought a sleazy street whore to his hotel room and hid in a closet. She charged 150 bucks. She was hard to look at but hey, wtf ....its a party. My buddy's only criteria is a pulse,thats it.
    He was in the 69 position with a street whore and it was that time of the month for her...disgusting. He had blood on the side of his face.
    Some of you know the story. He said his face smelled so bad he had to vomit and the next 2 days he could still smell it.
    He is a cool dude but gets stupid when he parties too much. He gets married in less than a week and there is no quitting in him, he will be partying forever. Cool guy and i love him, he just needs to cool down a bit..
  2. TGregg


    Many moons ago I was at a bachelor party. Everybody kicked in some cash and we came up with a pile of money for the groom-to-be to get whatever he could negotiate from the stripper. So off they went into another room. Apparently he contracted for a blow job for a little less than half the stack - guess he was planning on keeping the rest. Anyway, she's on her knees and his pants are at his ankles for a bit. There's one of those small basement windows in the room and he sees his future bride walking by.

    He pulls up his drawers and they rejoin the party. The engaged wench checks the place out, takes the G2B upstairs for a short, private conversation, then leaves. The G2B comes back downstairs and he's ready for the finish. Problem was, the stripper wanted another fee for another BJ and he didn't want to pay - with *our* money, #@&^ tightwad - since the job was never completed. They start yelling and her pimp (or bouncer or WTF they are called) runs in. They leave. G2B ends up with a crummy party and provides more life lessons that I can even write.
  3. nursebee


    ugly street whore on the rag doing 69

    Glad you aint my buddy

    too mush exposure to things that could change your life
  4. Lucrum


    ugly street whores cost $150? Holy f....

    Do they charge extra for a non bleeding whore?
  5. Back in the day your buddy can qualify to be a Hell's Angels 1%'er! [going down on a woman that's otr]