Cramer wants sec to ban Ultra short etfs

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by S2007S, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. I believe that what goes on in the world court called wallstreet needs to stay on wall street. Many of the shows like CNBC report their versions and oppinions of the news. They should be regulated as well...

    They all should be equally restricted like a registered advisor
    after all they are giving advice. If not on particular stock on sectors. Giving presidential advice.

    Many people use them as their advisor as pathetic as that is... Larry Kudlow is a great man and so is Cramer they have alot of power...

    Imagine if all you had was Cramer and Errin to trade with. You would never trade again. If GM was smart they would get their employees to cold call investors and have them buy their stock.

    If all their employees got registered they could sell and buy stock and fund green powered IPOS. I dream of Jeannie... This idea is too smart for most to understand. Wnat a demand create it yourself... Peter Bernanke for president.
    #11     Feb 8, 2009
  2. Do you know when the ETF buys the underlying stock/derivatives?

    Your argument here is flawed - when you buy a share of an ETF the share you purchase has already purchased its market exposure intrument - long funds are already long, short ETFs already short...
    #12     Feb 8, 2009
  3. Banff01


    What put derivative are talking about? Can you give any arguments how the ultrashort ETFs affect or manipulate the prices? This is a free market and nobody is forced to hedge with SKF long-term. There goes Cramer's argument that long-term short sellers are somehow keeping the market down. If mostly short-term traders are involved then there should be no long-term effect on the prices of the underlying securities.
    Your argument about buying an ETF at 2pm does not make any sense at all. If the ETF does not make money money for the manager then it won't exist, it's simple as that.
    Wallstreet should not definitely not be entitled to making money on the spread. What are you talking about there? You sure sound like an MBA from one the failed financial companies.
    #13     Feb 8, 2009
  4. OzMega


    Cramer is no longer a trader. He makes his living as an entertainer, and as such must appeal to the middle of the bell curve. I must admit, he is good for a few laughs on occasion. That said, the general public(Cramer's base) is always "long" and views anyone who profits while the market is sinking as some type of Bernie Madoff.

    Cramer's ultimate aim is to maintain viewer loyalty, increase his show's ratings, and sell ad time for CNBC. What better way to become the hero of the crusade than to demonize the evil "shorts"? "The market is down and here is someone is to blame!" He's preaching to the choir and couldn't care less about SKF, FAZ, or any other short etfs.

    Cramer is a buy side evangelist in a bear market. The short etfs are just convenient devils.
    #14     Feb 8, 2009
  5. Tide31


    Insane. There are algorithms that trade in and out of the SKF's all day long keeping it in line with the current weightings for the short banks that it represents. On any given day it normally moves inverse 2x the BKX index, which is not a mirror image yet similiar enough. Cramer's point I guess is don't give any more leverage to the uninformed/vulnerable then they already have access to. In the wrong hands he is right, this etf is like 'crack' for traders. Same argument has been made for leverage in general throughout our history. In the wrong hands it is like giving 'liquor to the Indians.' OK, how 'bout a warning label comes up when you try to put in an order in the 'skiffs'. WARNING: Trading this instrument may be detrimental to your financial and mental well-being.

    :D :D :D
    #15     Feb 8, 2009
  6. tradersboredom

    tradersboredom Guest

    market makers and professional have an advantage over retail traders and investors which LEVERAGE.

    Like banks have advantage over loan sharks in the street --leverage and access to capital to lend that is why banks can lend so much money at 3% mortgage.

    new street rule: margins in shorting and long same market maker or retail accounts. no naked shorting. it's a ponzi scheme or game so those are the rules.

    market makers are pretty useless in controlling markets these days. so why give them more leverage than retail accounts are special privilleges.

    #16     Feb 9, 2009
  7. What you have to understand is that when things get bad everyone looks to point a finger at someone or something to try to justify "its not their fault". This is the same thing. Sure its the ultrashort etfs that are causing the financials to fall apart not bad business proctices.. no.. not that...
    #17     Feb 9, 2009
  8. CNBC needs to cancel cramer. But that will never happen.
    #18     Feb 9, 2009

  9. And fast money, then make a reality show "tool academy for traders"
    #19     Feb 9, 2009
  10. zdreg


    cramer is a shill for goldman and the hedge fund industry. if you know why they are in favorite of eliminating the ultrashorts please post.
    #20     Feb 9, 2009